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hyswap - HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package

USGS-category-image pipeline-status-image coverage-report-image PyPI version PyPI - Python Version


hyswap (HYdrologic Surface Water Analysis Package), is a Python package which provides a set of functions for manipulating and visualizing USGS water data. Specifically, a number of functions for calculating statistics (e.g., exceedance probabilities, daily historic percentiles) and generating related plots (e.g., flow duration curves, streamflow duration hydrographs) are available. These methods are provided in a modular fashion as individual functions, and are designed to give the user flexibility in implementation.

Project Documentation

For more information, visit the hyswap documentation.


User Installation via pip

One-liner to install hyswap via pip:

pip install hyswap

Note: hyswap has 4 dependencies right now, numpy, pandas, scipy, and matplotlib, these will be installed automatically when installing the package via pip.

User Installation From Source

To install hyswap from source, first you will need to clone the repository. Next, from the root of the repository, run the following commands in your non-base environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .

Developer Installation

Developer installation should be performed from source. First you will need to clone the repository. Next, from the root of the repository, you have two options:

Option 1: Initiate your own python environment and then pip install the required packages

In a non-base environment, use the pip command to install both the requirements.txt and the requirements-dev.txt. Then run pip install . to obtain the source version of hyswap.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install .

Option 2: Use the environment-dev.yml to initiate a conda/mamba environment and download required packages from conda-forge and pypi

If you are a conda or mamba user, the shell code below will create a development environment called hyswap-dev-environment, activate it, and then install hyswap into the environment from source. Replace conda with mamba where appropriate for mamba users.

conda env create -f environment-dev.yml
conda activate hyswap-dev-environment
pip install .

Testing and Building Documentation Locally

To test the code and building and test the documentation locally, you must have cloned the source repository, follow the instructions above for a "developer installation" first.

To test the package locally, run the following command from the root of the repository:


To build the documentation locally, run the following commands from the root of the repository:

cd docs
make docs

Running the Linting and Formatting Checks Locally

To run the linting and formatting checks locally, run the following commands from the root of the repository:

flake8 .
pydocstringformatter .

Running the Example Workflow Notebooks

The example Jupyter (.ipynb) notebooks contain extended use cases of hyswap functions. They are displayed in the documentation pages, or you may download the notebooks from the 'example_notebooks' folder in this repository. The notebooks sometimes utilize additional packages that are not required to run the hyswap functions in isolation. You can use the developer installation instructions to create an environment containing all of the required packages to run the notebooks. Don't forget to also pip install hyswap into your working environment!


See the contributing guidelines for more information.


Hamshaw, S.D., Hariharan, J., Hinman, E.D., Sleckman, M.J., Stanish, L.F., 2024, hyswap: A USGS software package for hydrologic data analysis, DOI:


Please send an email to with 'hyswap' noted somewhere in the subject line.


See the license for more information.


See the disclaimer for more information.