Initial aim was to implement a simple dbus application (written as a daemon) that exposes one interface allowing other dbus applications to invoke some methods. This has been achieved, please switch to branches dbus_connection_pop_message and register-function-handler for more information.
Next aim is to expose new methods via one interface that makes the daemon connect with a TACACS+ server and perform AAA. So far, username/password authentication has been implemented.
libdbus-1-3, libdbus-1-dev and libtac. The former two should be available in your distribution's official repos. libtac can be cloned from Follow the steps there for building and installing, although the typical "autoreconf -i ; ./configure ; make ; make install" pattern should suffice.
apt-get install tacacs+ The TACACS+ configuration exists in /etc/tacacs+/tac_plus.conf. Configuration details are not mentioned here, however the defaults should be enough to get you started. There are many docs and tutorials online, however the following is recommended:
For the sake of simplicity, leave the default configuration to use /etc/passwd as the database.
Simply run 'make'.
Simply run ./dbus_helloworld_service. Use the busctl utility to verify that the daemon is up and running and can be reached via the well-known name of "com.example.HelloWorld".
At the moment, there is one interface: "com.example.HelloWorld". This exposes four methods: Connect, Authenticate, Disconnect and Stop.
Instructs the daemon to connect to the TACACS+ server. At the moment, the location is hard-coded to localhost:49 (TACACS default port, as per RFC-1492).
If a connection has been established, the daemon will send an authentication request with the currently hard-coded values of user="testuser", password="testpassword". (To add a new user, simply run 'sudo adduser testuser' and follow the prompt. When you're done, 'sudo deluser testuser'.).
#com.example.HelloWorld.Disconnect This will terminate the connection with the TACACS+ server, if it has been established.
#com.example.HelloWorld.Stop The daemon will terminate its connection with the TACACS+ server and will exit.
You can write your own client or use the dbus-send tool. W.r.t. the latter, to invoke the Connect method, run: "dbus-send --system --dest=com.example.HelloWorld --type=method_call /com/example/HelloWorld com.example.HelloWorld.Connect".
tail -f /var/log/messages | grep helloworld_dbus_daemon
TODO, add example conf You will more than likely need to edit the dbus-service configuration file. This can be found @ /et c/dbus-1/system.d/dbus_service.conf. More info can be found at
By default, the TACACS+ server will respond to requests with an encrypted payload. For debugging purposes, this obviously isn't very helpful, unless you give wireshark the key and tell it to do the decryption. To tell the server to not encrypt its packets, simply comment out the line with "key = xxx".