Send the text in your Clipboard to Microsoft's Text-to-Speech Engine. Useful for Visual Novel Text Hookers that send foreign game text to the clipboard. Can be easily launched via an AutoHotkey script.
On the first program run a "ClipboardTTS.settings" file will be created. It will list all your installed voices, you can uncomment the voice you want.
Settings should be rather self explanitory.
Lines that start with a semicolon are comments and are ignored. The first time you run the program, all the installed voices will be listed. Just uncomment the voice you want to use.
;Voice = "Microsoft David Desktop"
;Voice = "Microsoft Zira Desktop"
Voice = "Microsoft Eva Mobile"
The Volume and Rate of Speech settings are simple numeric values.
;Volume 0...100
Volume = 100
;Rate -10...10
Rate = 0
CharLimit will limit the number of character's processed. Just in case you send it a book full of words and didn't actually want to listen to it all.
;Max Character Limit (0 = Unlimited)
CharLimit = 500
The Substitutions section allows you to replace words before they are processed by the speech engine.
OriginalWord => ReplacementWord
If the speach engine detects extra line returns, it will add a pause to the spoken dialog, this RemoveLineReturns setting will remove the extra pause.
;Remove unwanted pause from Line Returns
RemoveLineReturns = "true"
*WavePrefix setting will set the prefix for output to wav files WavePrefix = "Audio_TTS "
Output to Wave file: -w or -w:filename.wav