iEmergencyNZ is a system which allows for hearing impaired people to communicate with emergency services in New Zealand without having to dial 111. WARNING: This is simply a simulation and doesn't actually communicate with Emergency Services in New Zealand.
For this course I recieved first place within my semester.
iEmergencyNZ started as a University Project for the course Information Systems 280. The course required that an Information System was to be built using ASP.NET which should attempt to solve one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
For the project I choose Good Health as my target goal. This was influenced by an idea that I had the previous year for another University Project which did the same thing, how ever it was all theoretical.
The project uses a 3-tier architecture based on C# with the ASP.NET framework. The project has a dynamic page for when a new incident call is recorded, to show a decision tree for the type of emergnecies that one may be presented in*
There are a few bugs here and there with the System how ever they do not affect it's simulated purpose, this mostly has to do with the nature of using POST and the Google maps API.
*Not all emergencies can be listed on the decision tree based off of the dynamic nature of emergencies and only provides a proof of concept.