Small library for creating diffs and applying them
iex> Differ.diff("Hello!", "Hey!")
[eq: "He", del: "llo", ins: "y", eq: "!"]
iex> Differ.patch("Hello!", [eq: "He", del: "llo", ins: "y", eq: "!"])
{:ok, "Hey!"}
The package can be installed
by adding differ
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:differ, "~> 0.1.1"}
Documentation can be found at
Simple diff of two maps
iex> user = %{name: "John"}
iex> updated_user = Map.put(user, :age, 25)
iex> Differ.diff(user, updated_user)
[{:name, :eq, "John"}, {:age, :ins, 25}]
For lists and strings using List.myers_difference/3
and String.myers_difference/2
So diffs of lists and strings a excactly output of this functions
iex> Differ.diff("Hello!", "Hey!")
[eq: "He", del: "llo", ins: "y", eq: "!"]
It is possible to use Differ
with structs, you need to derive default implementation
for Differ.Diffable
and Differ.Patchable
defmodule User do
@derive [Differ.Diffable, Differ.Patchable]
defstruct name: "", age: 21
And now you can call Differ.diff/2
with your structs:
iex> Differ.diff(%User{name: "John"}, %User{name: "John Smith"})
[{:name, :diff, [eq: "John", ins: " Smith"]}, {:age, :eq, 21}]
As well as creating diffs, you can apply diff to a term
. There is Differ.patch/2
and Differ.revert/2
for this purposes.
iex> diff = Differ.diff("Hello!", "Hey!")
iex> Differ.patch("Hello!", diff)
{:ok, "Hey!"}
or revert diff
iex> Differ.revert("Hey!", diff)
{:ok, "Hello!"}
For more examples look at the docs.