All users are allowed to see pages products and supermarkets
Only user with role "admin" can create/edit/delete supermarket
Only user with role "admin" can create/edit/delete product
Only authenticated users can see the content of the Home page
Only users with role "admin" can see page Customers
User with role "admin" can see page Orders with orders from all users
User with role "buyer" can see page Orders only with his own orders and cannot modify, create or delete orders
Every buyer receives claim "buyerType" with possible values: "none", "regular", "golden", "wholesale".
Only buyers with "golden", "wholesale" claim values have access to Discount page (My Discount tab in the main menu)
Implement Register page that creates user and assigns to him default role Buyer and type Regular
Implement Login page that should be accessible through Login tab (link) in the main menu. When user is logged in the link should be changed to Logout
*Implement Admin tab that is available only to users with Admin role. On this tab user with an "admin" role can
- See the list of all users
- Edit any user - ability to change his role and claim buyerType
Note: if some action or view is forbidden for user, corresponding links or tabs should be hidden and action shouln't be accessible neither via link nor via url