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DataCrunch Python SDK

The official Python SDK.

The SDK's documentation is available on ReadTheDocs

DataCrunch's Public API documentation is available here.

Getting Started - Using the SDK:

  • Install via pip:

    pip3 install datacrunch
  • Generate your client credentials - instructions in the public API docs.

  • Add the client secret to an environment variable (don't want it to be hardcoded):

    Linux (bash):

    export DATACRUNCH_CLIENT_SECRET=Z4CZq02rdwdB7ISV0k4Z2gtwAFKiyvr2U1l0KDIeYi

    Other platforms:

  • Example for creating a new instance:

    import os
    from datacrunch import DataCrunchClient
    # Get client secret from environment variable
    CLIENT_ID = 'Ibk5bdxV64lKAWOqYnvSi'
    # Create datcrunch client
    datacrunch = DataCrunchClient(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
    # Get all SSH keys
    ssh_keys = datacrunch.ssh_keys.get()
    ssh_keys = list(map(lambda key:, ssh_keys))
    # Create a new instance
    instance = datacrunch.instances.create(instance_type='1V100.6V',
                                          description='example instance')
    # Delete instance
    datacrunch.instances.action(, datacrunch.constants.instance_actions.DELETE)

    More examples can be found in the /examples folder or in the documentation.


Setting up the local development environment

  • Clone the repository:

    git clone
  • Create local virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv datacrunch_env && source ./datacrunch_env/bin/activate

    or if using fish shell:

    python3 -m venv datacrunch_env && source ./datacrunch_env/bin/
  • Install Dependencies:

    pip3 install -e .[test]
    pip3 install -U pytest

Running Tests

We use pytest for testing.

  • To execute all tests

  • To execute a single test file

    pytest ./tests/unit_tests/

Local Manual Testing

Create this file in the root directory of the project:

from datacrunch.datacrunch import DataCrunchClient

CLIENT_SECRET = 'secret'
CLIENT_ID = 'Ibk5bdxV64lKAWOqYnvSi'

# Create datcrunch client
datacrunch = DataCrunchClient(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, base_url='http://localhost:3001/v1')

Generating the documentation

If added a new service, create a documentation template under api/services for that service.

cd docs
make html

Style Guide

Use autopep8 for auto code formatting:

# Install
pip3 install autopep8

# Apply to an entire directory
autopep8 directory_name --recursive --in-place --pep8-passes 2000 --verbose

# Or a single file
autopep8 --in-place


You can contact us here, or send a message / open an issue in the repo.