This is a comprehensive Django Rest Framework course that takes you from a beginner to an advanced level. You can follow the commits in this repository sequentially to see all the changes made step by step to achieve the full functionality of the RestAPI.
Project Hosting: Vercel here
Database: Initially uses sqlite3 (recommended for beginners), later integrated with MongoDB.
Credits: The project is based on the course provided by
- Echo Request Data as JSON
- Return Random Product
- Product Detail using ID
- Product Update using ID
- Product Delete using ID
- List All Products
- Create New Product
- Search Product in DB
- Generate Django Auth Token
- Clear Expired Django Auth Token
- Generate Json Web Token
- Refresh Json Web Token
- Verify Json Web Token
- django
- django-cors-headers
- djangorestframework
- djangorestframework-simplejwt
- djongo==1.3.6
- pymongo==3.11.3
- dnspython
- apscheduler
- pyyaml
- requests
- python-dotenv
- markdown
- whitenoise
All the above metioned packages are listed in requirements.txt file.
- JSON Response
- Decorators
- Validators
- Serializers
- Models
- Views
- URLs
- CRUD Operation
- Generic API Views
- Token Authentication
- Custom Expiring Tokens
- Model Permissions
- Custom Permissions
- Mixins
- JSON Web Token
- Django CORS
- Throttling
- Scheduler
- MongoDB Integration
- WhiteNoise Static Hosting
- Vercel Setup