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Docker volume plugin for Datera Storage backend

This plugin uses Datera storage backend as distributed data storage for containers.

Easy Installation (Docker v1.13+ required)

Before enabling the plugin, create the UDC configuration file on each node

$ sudo touch /etc/datera/datera-config.json

This is a JSON file with the following structure:

      "mgmt_ip": "",
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "password",
      "tenant": "/root",
      "api_version": "2.2",
      "ldap": ""

NOTE: The specified tenant MUST be accessible by the user account provided.

Install the iscsi-recv binary on all nodes

$ ./ddct install -u k8s_csi_iscsi

See for instructions on how to download and install ddct

Run this on each node that should use the Datera volume driver

$ sudo docker plugin install dateraiodev/docker-driver

Update the config file with the relevant information for the cluster then run the following:

$ sudo docker plugin enable dateraiodev/docker-driver



Create a volume

$ sudo docker volume create --name my-vol --driver dateraiodev/docker-driver --opt size=5

Start your docker containers with the option --volume-driver=dateraiodev/docker-driver and use the first part of --volume to specify the remote volume that you want to connect to:

$ sudo docker run --volume-driver dateraiodev/docker-driver --volume datastore:/data alpine touch /data/hello

The Other Way (DEPRECATED, required for Mesos installations)


Download the latest release of the docker-driver from

Unzip the binary


Install udev rules on each docker/mesos node

sudo ./scripts/

Start driver

This plugin doesn't create volumes in your Datera cluster yet, so you'll have to create them yourself first.

1 - Create the config file

$ sudo touch /root/.datera-config-file

This is a JSON file with the following structure:

    "datera-cluster": "",
    "username": "my-user",
    "password": "my-pass",
    "debug": false,
    "ssl": true,
    "tenant": "/root",
    "os-user": "root"

Fill out the cluster info in the config file

2 - Start the plugin using this command:

$ sudo ./dddbin

PLEASE NOTE: If installing on a Mesos node, the config variable "framework": "dcos-mesos" or "framework": "dcos-docker" must be set

3a - Create a volume

$ sudo docker volume create --name my-vol --driver datera --opt size=5

3b - Start your docker containers with the option --volume-driver=dateraiodev/docker-driver and use the first part of --volume to specify the remote volume that you want to connect to:

$ sudo docker run --volume-driver dateraiodev/docker-driver --volume datastore:/data alpine touch /data/hello



Currently DCOS and Mesos are very early in their external persistent volume support. Because of this, their volume lifecycle is simpler than other ecosystems. This means only a subset of the Datera product functionality is available through DCOS and Mesos. It also means there are a few wonky behaviors when using the external volume support for DCOS. You can read more about that here:

Download the latest release of the docker-driver from

Unzip the binary


Create config file on each node

$ sudo touch datera-config-file.txt

This is a JSON file with the following structure:

    "datera-cluster": "",
    "username": "my-user",
    "password": "my-pass",
    "debug": false,
    "ssl": true,
    "tenant": "/root",
    "os-user": "root"

Copy config file to all relevant Mesos Agent nodes

scp -i ~/your_ssh_key datera-config-file.txt user@agent-node:/some/location/dddbin

Start the driver with the config file

For Mesos Container nodes

sudo ./dddbin -config datera-config-template.txt

For Docker Container nodes

./dddbin -config datera-config-template.txt

The following json config keys are available to use for Docker container nodes

    "datera-cluster": "",                    # Datera Cluster Mgmt IP
    "username": "my-user",                          # Datera Account Username
    "password": "my-pass",                          # Datera Account Password
    "tenant": "/root",                              # Datera tenant ID
    "os-user": "root",                              # Name of local user to run under
    "ssl": true|false,                              # Use SSL for requests
    "framework": "bare"|"dcos-mesos"|"dcos-docker"  # Framework being used
    "volume": {
        "size": 16,
        "replica": 3,
        "template": null,
        "fstype": "ext4",
        "maxiops": null,
        "maxbw": null,
        "placement": "hybrid",
        "persistence": "manual",
        "clone-src": null

PLEASE NOTE: Values provided under "volume" are for use by the dcos-docker containerizer only and will hold true for all containers created on the system

Create a service with Datera storage

Simple Mesos container setup

  "id": "test-datera-2",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 32,
  "cmd": "/bin/cat /dev/urandom > mesos-test/test.img",
  "container": {
    "type": "MESOS",
    "volumes": [
        "containerPath": "mesos-test",
        "external": {
          "name": "datera-mesos-test-volume",
          "provider": "dvdi",
          "options": {
            "dvdi/driver": "datera",
        "mode": "RW"
  "upgradeStrategy": {
    "minimumHealthCapacity": 0,
    "maximumOverCapacity": 0

The easiest way to generate this JSON config is to go to the DCOS UI and create a new container with an external volume. Then switch "dvdi/driver": "rexray" --> "dvdi/driver": "datera"

The default size for a volume created without providing a "dvdi/size" parameter is 16GB

More Complex Mesos Container

All 'dvdi/xxxxx' options must be double-quoted strings

  "id": "test-datera-2",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 32,
  "cmd": "/bin/cat /dev/urandom > mesos-test/test.img",
  "container": {
    "type": "MESOS",
    "volumes": [
        "containerPath": "mesos-test",
        "external": {
          "name": "datera-mesos-test-volume",
          "provider": "dvdi",
          "options": {
            "dvdi/driver": "datera",
            "dvdi/size": "33",
            "dvdi/replica": "3",
            "dvdi/maxIops": "100",
            "dvdi/maxBW": "200",
            "dvdi/placementMode": "hybrid",
            "dvdi/fsType": "ext4",
            "dvdi/cloneSrc": "some-app-instance"
        "mode": "RW"
  "upgradeStrategy": {
    "minimumHealthCapacity": 0,
    "maximumOverCapacity": 0

PLEASE NOTE: "containerPath" cannot start with a "/", this will break the Mesos agent and cause the container spawn to fail

For Docker containers

You cannot specify any Datera specific information in this JSON blob due to a limitation in the way DCOS interacts with Mesos and Docker. The relevant options must be specified during driver instantiation time via the config variables shown in an earlier section.

  "id": "test-datera-docker",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "mem": 32,
  "cmd": "/bin/cat /dev/urandom > mesos-test/test.img",
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "alpine:3.1",
      "network": "HOST",
      "forcePullImage": true
    "volumes": [
        "containerPath": "/data/test-volume",
        "external": {
          "name": "datera-docker-volume",
          "provider": "dvdi",
          "options": { "dvdi/driver": "datera" }
        "mode": "RW"
  "upgradeStrategy": {
    "minimumHealthCapacity": 0,
    "maximumOverCapacity": 0