- French born, living in Brazil
- Programming since the age of 10 (saudades Amstrad CPC 6128).
- I may accept freelance opportunities if related to Vue.js or Neutronium.
- Always curious and learning new languages/ algorithms/ concepts/ frameworks .
- If I am looking for some piece of software that I can not find, I may end up implementing and publishing it as a github repository.
- Neutronium a C# framework to build .NET MVVM desktop applications using HTML, CSS and javascript.
- RateLimiter a C# client-side rate limiting utility.
- ComposableAsync A framework to create, compose and inject asynchronous behaviors in .Net Framework and .Net Core. Including a circuit breaker and an in process actor model.
- CodeDependencyScanner A C# application to visualize and interact with .Net assembly objects (class, interface, enum, struct) and their dependencies.
- Vue.Draggable and vue.draggable.next components that handle drag-and-drop.
- Vue.D3.tree a component to display tree based on D3.js layout.
- Vue.D3.sunburst a sunburst component based on D3.js.
- 📈 vue-plotly a wrapper for plotly.js.
- 🛠️ vue-cli-plugin-component a vue-cli 3 plugin to create component.
- 🛠️ ComponentFixture an Interactive sandox playground for vue components.
- Vue.Resize a directive to detect resize events.
- Improving Vue.D3.sunburst
- 🖋 I wrote an article about using slot for behaviors in vue.js.
- ☕If one of my repo has helped you, especially if you are using it in production, please consider making a donation.