This project contains my implementation of a z80 emulator written in C#. I've been mainly using as source for the definition of each of the instructions.
The solution has been split up into a number of projects:
z80vm - this is a .net standard class library containing the processor's memory, registers and implementations of each of the commands (ADD A, B etc)
z80Assembler - this is a .net standard class library containing
- PARSER: this parses commands from their textual representation converts them into their hexadecimal codes
- LOADER: stores hexadecimal commands in memory
- COMMAND RUNNER: executes the commands stored in memory
z80.ide - this is a .net framework windows forms application which implements a very simple debugger.
z80.example - this is a .net framework console application showing how to use the APIs.
z80vm.Tests - xunit tests for the z80vm project.
z80Assembler.Tests - xunit tests for the z80Assembler project.
z80.BlindTests - console application for carrying out the blind testing of all instruction.s
The debugger supports the loading of scr format files as shown below:
The debugger in action
// Load the program
var loader = new Loader(machine);
LD A, 10
LD B, 10
Once a program has been loaded into memory it can executed step-by-step as follows:
var commandRunner = new CommandRunner(machine);
var halted = false;
while (!halted)
halted = commandRunner.RunNextCommand();
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to run the next command");
We are misusing the halt statement in the line above to mean QUIT the program. It's actual meaning is halt the program until it we receive an interrupt.
using z80vm;
using static z80vm.op8;
using static z80vm.Value;
// Prepare the machine
var conditionValidator = new ConditionValidator();
var machine = new Machine(conditionValidator);
// Load an immediate value into a register
machine.LD(Reg8.A, Read8BitValue(100));
// Load the contents of another 8bit register into a register
machine.LD(Reg8.B, Read8BitValue(Reg8.A));
// Load the contents of a memory address specified by a 16bit register (BC) into a register
machine.LD(Reg8.A, Read8BitValue(valueAt(Reg16.BC)));
// Load the contents of a memory address specified by a 16bit register plus an offset (IX+n) into a register
machine.LD(Reg8.A, Read8BitValue(valueAt(Reg16.IX).Add(10)));
// Load the contents of a memory address (ofs) into a register
machine.LD(Reg8.A, Read8BitValue(valueAt(0xFFFF)));
// Load an immediate value into a memory address specified by a 16bit register (BC)
machine.LD(valueAt(Reg16.BC), Read8BitValue(100));
// Load the contents of a register into a memory address specified by a 16bit register (BC)
machine.LD(valueAt(Reg16.BC), Read8BitValue(Reg8.A));
// Load an immediate value into a memory address specified by a 16bit register plus an offset (IX+n)
machine.LD(valueAt(Reg16.IX).Add(10), Read8BitValue(100));
// Load the contents of a register into a memory address specified by a 16bit register plus an offset (IX+n)
machine.LD(valueAt(Reg16.IX).Add(10), Read8BitValue(Reg8.A));
// Loads a memory address with the value of a register
machine.LD(0xFFFE, Read8BitValue(Reg8.A));