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Intimeago is a library to turn static date elements into realtime 'in time' / 'time ago' elements.


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In time / Time ago - with update events

Intimeago is a library to turn date elements such as <span data-datetime="2020-11-18T12:03:57+00:00"></span> into 'in 10 minutes', '25 seconds ago', 'just now'... type of text nodes and have them update in realtime.


// Past //
just now
25 seconds ago
1 minute ago
2 hours ago
3 days ago
5 weeks ago
2 years ago

// Future //
in 15 seconds
in 2 minutes
in 18 days
in 4 months


  • Install
npm install intimeago
  • Import
import { setup, remove, format } from 'intimeago'

or import with script tag in html file and access it via global variable intimeago.

<script src="dist/index.min.js"></script>
  • Example
<div class="intimeago" data-intimeago-datetime="2016-06-30 09:20:00"></div>
// Setup dom elements with realtime changes

// OR

// Format the datetime and return as static string
  • Advanced example
<div class="intimeago" 
     data-intimeago-datetime="2016-06-30 09:20:00"
     data-intimeago-relative-datetime="2010-01-05 13:10:00"
     data-intimeago-prepend-text="Starts "


Alternatively you can also use a CDN which will reflect the latest version.

<script src="//"></script>


  • setup

setup(node[, locale = 'en_US', options])

Add realtime updates to a dom element with data-intimeago-datetime attribute.

HTML code:

<div class="intimeago" data-intimeago-datetime="2016-06-30 09:20:00"></div>

JS code:

import { setup } from 'intimeago'

const nodes = document.querySelectorAll('.intimeago')

// use setup method to add realtime updates to nodes

// OR

// set locale and relative date to calculate the difference from
setup(nodes, 'en_US', { relativeDateTime: '2016-10-04 13:30:00' })

// subscribe to an event that happens on update (change of text of the element)
node.addEventListener('intimeago-update', (e) => {
 // e.detail.diff // difference between the specified date and now/relativeDateTime (in seconds)

Options: - relativeDateTime allows you to set the date and time to calculate the difference from. Default is NOW.

  • remove


Remove the realtime updates from a dom element.

JS code:

import { remove } from 'intimeago'

const node = document.querySelector('.intimeago')

// remove realtime updates from node
  • format

format(date[, locale = 'en_US', opts])

Format a Date instance / timestamp / date string to static string.

import { format } from 'intimeago'

// format timestamp

// format date instance
format(new Date(1605702147658))

// format ISO date string

// format with locale
format(1605702147658, 'en_US')

// format with locale and relative date
format(1605702147658, 'en_US', { relativeDateTime: '2010-10-04 10:45:00' })

The default locale is en_US.

list of all locales here.

  • importLocale

Add new locale function to be used

import { importLocale } from 'intimeago'

// create the translation function
const myCoolLocaleFunction = function (number, index) {
    return [
     // [past tense , future tense] 
     ['just now', 'in %s seconds'], // 0-10 seconds
     ['%s seconds ago', 'in %s seconds'], // 10 - 60 seconds
     ['1 minute ago', 'in 1 minute'], // 1-2 minutes
     ['%s minutes ago', 'in %s minutes'], // 2 minutes - 1 hour
     ['1 hour ago', 'in 1 hour'], // 
     ['%s hours ago', 'in %s hours'],
     ['1 day ago', 'in 1 day'],
     ['%s days ago', 'in %s days'],
     ['1 week ago', 'in 1 week'],
     ['%s weeks ago', 'in %s weeks'],
     ['1 month ago', 'in 1 month'],
     ['%s months ago', 'in %s months'],
     ['1 year ago', 'in 1 year'],
     ['%s years ago', 'in %s years'],

// import it
importLocale('mycool_locale', myCoolLocaleFunction )

// use it
format(new Date(1605702147658), 'mycool_locale')
  • Tag Attributes

The following attributes will automatically be used if present on intimeagoified html element:

data-intimeago-datetime - datetime sting to calculate the difference from

data-intimeago-relative-datetime - datetime sting to calculate the difference relative to. Default is NOW.

data-intimeago-prepend-text - text to prepend before the difference text ('Starts in 2 minutes')

data-intimeago-remove-on-zero - remove the element from dom when difference is 0

<div class="intimeago"
     data-intimeago-datetime="2016-06-30 09:20:00"
     data-intimeago-relative-datetime="2010-01-05 13:10:00"
     data-intimeago-prepend-text="Starts "


This repo has been heavily inspired by hustcc/timeago.js. All the credits go to all involved.




Intimeago is a library to turn static date elements into realtime 'in time' / 'time ago' elements.





