Brew Day! is an application for home brewers.
Make sure you have Node version 8.x and MongoDB version 3.x installed.
You're also going to need a file called .env
inside the project root folder. This file contains sensitive information, so it's not here in the repository.
After that, clone the repository and do:
npm install
Now, before running the app, you need to have MongoDB up:
sudo service mongod start
Now you can run the app:
node app.js
Before you start coding, create a branch for what you're going to do so you can create a proper pull request later on. To create a new branch, do:
git checkout -b <name-of-branch>
After you finish your work, commit everything and then merge with the master branch so you can resolve merge conflicts before creating the pull request.
git commit -m <message>
git fetch origin master
git merge origin master
Commit again and then push to your branch:
git commit -m <message>
git push origin <name-of-branch>
Now go to GitHub and create the pull request. Wait for someone to approve your changes before merging with the master branch.