The xAzureTempDrive DSC resource lets you modify your Azure Temporary Drive
Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.
- xAzureTempDrive Makes you change the temporary driveletter while maintaining its pagefile.
- Driveletter: Driveletter that should be used for the Azure Temporary Drive
- Minor bugfixes
- Add support for New Azure VM's that do not have a temporary disk ( thanks to: @sg3-141-592 )
- Fixed reboot loop when dive letter already exists
- Added example file to module
- minor updates
- Fixed reboot loop issue with
- Added support for Server 2008(R2)
- Changed WMI to CIM
- Added additional verbose logs
- Removed unused variables
- Added additional check against volume name in Test-Targetresource
- minor update to filter the driveletter, if somebody specifies a full path (fe: 'N:' instead of 'N')
- First version of the module
configuration Sample_xAzureTempDrive
Import-DscResource -module xAzureTempDrive
xAzureTempDrive AzureTempDrive
Driveletter = $Driveletter
Sample_xAzureTempDrive -Driveletter 'Z'