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DeFund Protocol v1 SDK


npm install @defund-protocol/v1-sdk

How to use


SDK initialization requires the following parameters

Param type description
chainId number 1 for mainnet, 5 for goerli, 137 for matic, 80001 for mumbai
signer Signer
import { UniversalSDK } from '@defund-protocol/v1-sdk';
import { Wallet, providers } from 'ethers';

const chainId = 1;
const provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider('your json rpc url');
const signer = new Wallet('your signer privateKey', provider);
const sdk = new UniversalSDK(chainId, signer);


Swap Params

Param Type Description
maker Address your signer address
fundAddress Address your fund address
swapDetails SwapDetails
overrides Overrides

Swap Details

Param Type Description
opType string exactInput, exactOutput
tokenIn Address
tokenOut Address
amountIn BigNumber amountIn for exactInput, amountInMaximum for exactOutput
amountOut BigNumber amountOutMinimum for exactInput, amountOut for exactOutput
useNative Boolean set to true if you want to swap to or from native Token instead of warpped native Token
expiration number optional, default expires in 10 minutes


You can find out more about the overrides parameter from the ethers document

const maker = signer.address;
const fundAddress = 'your fund address';
const swapDetails = {
  opType: 'exactInput',
  tokenIn: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2', // WETH Address on mainnet
  tokenOut: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', // USDC Address on mainnet
  amountIn: BigNumber.from('100000000000000000'), // 0.1 ETH
  amountOut: BigNumber.from('1000000'), // 1 USDC
  useNative: true, // use native token, use ETH in this demo
  expiration: Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 30 * 60) // 30 minutes

const overrides = {};

const tx = await sdk.executeSwap(maker, fundAddress, swapDetails, overrides);


Convert Params

Param Type Description
maker Address your signer address
fundAddress Address your fund address
convertDetails ConvertDetails
overrides Overrides

Convert Details

Param Type Description
ratio number ratio of tokenIn
tokenIn Address
tokenOut Address
slippage number 1 for 1%, minimum is 0.01 for 0.01%
useNative Boolean set to true if you want to swap to or from native Token instead of warpped native Token
expiration number optional, default expires in 10 minutes
const maker = signer.address;
const fundAddress = 'your fund address';
const convertDetails = {
  opType: 'assetsConvert',
  tokenIn: '0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2', // WETH Address on mainnet
  tokenOut: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48', // USDC Address on mainnet
  ratio: 1000, // 10%
  useNative: true

const overrides = {};

const tx = await sdk.executeAssetsConvert(


You can use this method to get the asset information of the fund

const maker = signer.address;
const fundAddress = 'your fund address';

const assets = await sdk.getFundAssets(fundAddress);


You can use this method to get all the on-chain information of the fund


Param Type Description
fundAddress Address
lpAddress Address Optional, If you want to get share information about a specific lp, pass this parameter
withAssets Boolean The default is true, return all information, if you don't need asset information, you can pass false
const maker = signer.address;
const fundAddress = 'your fund address';

const lpAddress = 'this address of specific lp';
const witAssets = false;

const assets = await sdk.getFundAssets(fundAddress, lpAddress, withAssets);


Examples can be found at: Examples