Submitted by: Yijing Su
Date: December 12th, 2020
For this homework, I create a visualization dashboard website using visualizations from weather data. In this webiste, I have created four indiviudal pages that contain the four plots from weather data and a short desciption for each, as well as a means by which each plot can be navigated between each other. The homepage or the landing page of my webiste include a summary for this weather data analysis and a comparison between each plot. It also contains a means which each plot can be navigated. Lastly, there is a page in the website which contains the entire weather data used for this analysis. The navigation bar is located on the top of each web page and can be used to switch to the desinated location.
In this repository, there is a csv file of the weather data stored in the Resources folder, as well as the four plots created from the weather data. The and the style.css these two files are files which contains the code on how I created this HTML web page. Rest are HTMP for each individual pages in this webiste
This link will take you to my weather data webpage.