AlertWizJs is a library for creating custom popups in web.
<script src="" async defer></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="alertwiz-container"></div>
props is an object:
title: title to be displayed on the alert box.
msg: msg to be displayed on the alert box.
accept: text to be displayed on the button of the alertbox. (optional) (default:'OK')
callback is optional
props is an object:
title: title to be displayed on the confirm box.
msg: msg to be displayed on the confirm box.
accept: text to be displayed on the accept button of the confirmbox. (optional) (default:'Accept')
decline: text to be displayed on the decline button of the confirmbox. (optional) (default:'Decline')
acceptFunction executes if accept button is clicked
declineFunction executes if decline button is clicked
props is an object:
title: title to be displayed on the input box.
msg: msg to be displayed on the input box.
ok: text to be displayed on the button of the alertbox. (optional)(default:'OK')
inputType: Type of input (optional) (default:'text')
callback is optional.
Example: window.alertwiz.Input(props,res=>console.log(res)); // res is the input from the user.