A ReactJS web app for managing notes.
Deployed on Netlify using github actions
- Authentication facility for old & new users
- Authenticated users can
- can see a landing page with a list of few categories
- sort videos based on categories
- Individual video listing page with suggested videos
- Playlist, Watch History, Watch Later functionality for authenticated users
- PlayList Management:
- User can create playlist.
- User can add/delete video from playlist
- User can delete a playlist.
- History:
- Each register user when sees individual video has a view history
- Videos in view history can be deleted by user
- User can also clear full history
- Watch Later:
- Each user can add/delete video to watch later
- Video added to watch later can seen in watch later route by user
- Each registered user can like/dislike video anytime they want.
- Custom view count for videos watched.
- LazyLoading/Code-splitting of components to dynamically load at runtime
- Error management using ErrorBoundary to catch and show fallback UI.
- Loading Spinner when fetching initial data.
- Responsive UI for all screens (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
- ReactJS - Frontend framework
- React Router - For routing & navigation
- React-Hot-Toast - to show Toast Notifications
- ApolloGraphql - To make network to backend graphql server
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Debarshi95/WeTube.git
- Go to the project directory
- cd wetube
- Install dependencies
- Create a .env file
- Create a project inside Google Firebase and export the configuration
- Add the following configuration to your .env file
REACT_APP_APOLLO_URI="Backend server url"
- Start the server
yarn start