This is a spring boot starter for kong API gateway. When using this starter you can auto configure kong services and routes to expose the configured Java APIs.
To use Kong Spring boot Starter you just need to import this starter in your spring boot application and configure it on application.yml or file.
As this starter is released on Maven Central Repository, you can use Maven or Gradle easily to import the library. The examples are follow.
compile group: 'com.eimapi', name: 'kong-spring-boot-starter', version: '0.3.0'
The kong starter configurations is very easy, you just need to inform the kong server URL. This is the only required field.
The starter configuration use the default spring boot configuration policy,this way it's possible to configure it through the application file configuration (application.yml or
Bellow has both configuration example with their explanation.
port: 8086 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 8080
address: "" #Optional - once informed the starter will ignore the build address model
url: "" #REQUIRED - This is the Kong Management API address
connect_timeout: 60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 60000
read_timeout: 60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 60000
write_timeout: 60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 60000
protocol: "http" #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 'http'
retries: 5 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 5
strip_path: true #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default true
preserve_host: false #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default false
regex_priority: 0 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 0
mode: REBUILD #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default CREATE.
#Exists 2 different properties to this field (REBUILD | CREATE). If the informed
#option is different, the starter will assume the CREATE option
addressmode: IP #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default IP.
#Exists 2 different properties to this field (IP | HOST). If the informed
#option is different, the starter will assume the IP option.
#NOTE: If the server address is informed this field will be ignored!
server.port=8086 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 8080
server.address= #Optional - once informed the starter will ignore the build address model
kong.server.url= #REQUIRED - This is the Kong Management API address
kong.model.service.connect_timeout=60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as
#default 60000
kong.model.service.read_timeout=60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 60000
kong.model.service.write_timeout=60000 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 60000
kong.model.service.protocol=http #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 'http'
kong.model.service.retries=5 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 5
kong.model.route.strip_path=true #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default true
kong.model.route.preserve_host=false #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default false
kong.model.route.regex_priority=0 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default 0 #Optional - if not informed the starter will use as default CREATE.
#Exists 2 different properties to this field (REBUILD | CREATE).
#If the informed option is different, the starter will assume the
#CREATE option #Optional (IP | HOST) #Optional - if not informed the starter will use
#as default IP. Exists 2 different properties to this field (IP | HOST).
#If the informed option is different, the starter will assume
#the IP option.
#NOTE: If the server address is informed this field will be ignored!
when necessary, is possible to use filter to suppress one API, group of APIs or package of APIs groups. You can do that adding a property to the configuration file as shown in the following code parts.
When just a set of method inside the class need
filter: "com.eimapi.donothow,,"
A simple utilization example can be found at this GitHub repository.