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Materials for the website.

Hosting information

The site is set up to build the Jekyll contents in this repository ( on Travis CI, and then deploy the built site to GitHub Pages for hosting.

The site is served behind the alias, but you can always hit the site directly at

Running a local instance

If you want to make changes, or contribute a blog post (see below), you will need to get a local version of the code running to test the website.

  1. install jekyll
  2. git clone && cd
  3. bundle exec jekyll serve
  4. navigate in browser to localhost:4000.

Please make sure the website builds and looks correct, after you add content.

Site contents

The site is built using the jekyll-theme-open-project theme, generously provided by Ribose Inc.

The contents of the website are distributed across the following folders and files (as well as defaults pulled from the jekyll-theme-open-project gem). Most information about the theme can be found at the theme homepage (, but some is reproduced here for completeness.

Adding a blog post

Posts are authored using typical Jekyll setup and should be placed under _posts.

A MWE for a post frontmatter is:

layout: post
title:  "DeltaRCM website overhaul"
date:   2020-03-31 12:40:00 -0600
categories: website

According to the jekyll-theme-open-project, it is best to provide explicit hand-crafted post excerpts in the frontmatter, as automatically-generated excerpts may break postcard markup. Use the following as an example for adding excerpts to frontmatter:

excerpt: >-
  Post excerpt goes here, and supports inline HTML formatting only.

The theme also anticipates author information within the frontmatter (but we do not require it for DeltaRCM), see the explanation of how to add an author at the theme page. You can also add a picture of yourself as the author if you like, if use_picture is set to "assets" in the frontmatter, author photo would be expected to reside under assets/blog/authors/<author email>.jpg.

Adding a project

Add a folder with the project name, which must include an file with the necessary frontmatter and nothing else. For example, the DeltaMetrics project file includes:

title: DeltaMetrics
description: Delta metric computations
featured: true
  git_repo_url: ""

The project repository will be git pulled when the website is built, and it is required that the project repository include a assets/symbol.svg file.

Changing the look


To change the layout of a page, see where the layout comes from in jekyll-theme-open-project. If we have a version of that file in the repository, edit it here, otherwise, create it here.

Colors / themes

Most color options are set in the assets/css/style.scss file. The "DeltaRCM" text is set as an SVG in the title.html file. The DeltaRCM logo is set as an SVG in assets/symbol.svg. Be sure to create the correct type of SVG files SVG guidelines.