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Facebook Signin Signup

Matias Lescano edited this page Jun 29, 2015 · 3 revisions

Facebook Signin

Note: For sake of simplicity, Facebook Signin/Signup can only be used standalone. It can't be used in parallel with normal signin/singup flow.

To activate it:

  1. Create a Facebook Canvas.
  2. Go to the Dashboard of your new app. ( -> My Apps)
  3. Go to Settings -> + Add Platform select Website. On Site URL put the domain of your DemocracyOS instance. e.g.:
  4. Go to Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Deauthorize Callback URL and put your domain plus /auth/facebook/deauthorize. e.g.:
  5. Set the environment variables (or edit your config/{environment}.json file):
  • AUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID: The App ID of your newly created FB app.
  • AUTH_FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET: The App Secret of your newly created FB app.