Fix js/ts key-value separator highlight error
Rollback for the issue #87
improve JS/TS object-literal key highlight
improve C highlight
support void keyword, support ternary operators, support bitwise operators, support is expression in typescript
resolve issue #48 #65 #66 #69 #70, support php comparison, add support for arithmetic operators, add support for php regex operators, support heredoc php operator
improve block cursor contrast background color
Fix this expand selection error, modified/added activityBar colors, added scrollBar colors
Support php-parser constants, improve activity bar badge color, fix this expand selection error
Few more workbench colour fixes, Update diffEditor.insertedTextBackground
New logo and window colour additions and tweaks Binaryify#51
add support for php's goto, update docs
added custom colors for sidebar, statusBar, list, input boxes, etc.
Change theme file format. Add workbench support, improve ts support, update document
Make displayName and label be the same to avoid confusion, for the reason Binaryify#41
rename to "OneDark Pro" for the reason Binaryify#40
fix C++ heightlight error
added support support for other class namespace outside use
Added php function-call object and static
improve php & C# SUPPORT
support php constants and normalize array in double quoted strings,add keywords, rename
add DOCS
improve php support
improve python types support & C++ support
improve python types support
improve python logical & variable parameter support
improve python support
improve document
improve C++ support
improve php dollar sign & logical operator height light
improve JavaScript 'instanceof' & 'process' height light
improve Java height light
add php call-function height light
update icon
improve js module height light
improve README.MD
add css/scss property value hight light
improve js 'this' height light
improve js variable property, js object-literal key, constant.js and math height light,remove notice
add README.MD notice
remove js operator accessor hight light
push changelog to
improve css's id & class & color name height light
improve README.MD, add changelog
add js module hight light, add changelog
add js operator logical hight light
add js console height light
add java support
fix diff height light error
improve js operator