Generate fixed grid files from MOM6 supergrid
This code generates files the fixed grid and land mask file for the CICE model on the MOM6 tripole grid. It also generates a fixed grid file which contains all the vertice locations on the tripole grid. This fixed grid file is used to create the interpolation weights for regridding between various combinations of tripole and rectilinear grids.
Information on MOM6 supergrid can be found at
and also from:
MOM_grid_initialize.F90 : MOM6 variable geoLonBu <==> CICE variable ulon MOM6 variable geoLatBu <==> CICE variable ulat MOM6 variable dxCv <==> CICE variable htn MOM6 variable dyCu <==> CICE variable hte
MOM6 code snippets follow:
from MOM_grid_initialize.F90 (tmpZ = x)
do J=G%JsdB,G%JedB ; do I=G%IsdB,G%IedB ; i2 = 2*I ; j2 = 2*J
G%geoLonBu(I,J) = tmpZ(i2,j2)
ulon(I,J) = x(i2,j2)
from MOM_grid_initialize.F90 (tmpZ = y)
do J=G%JsdB,G%JedB ; do I=G%IsdB,G%IedB ; i2 = 2*I ; j2 = 2*J
G%geoLatBu(I,J) = tmpZ(i2,j2)
ulat(I,J) = y(i2,j2)
from MOM_grid_initialize.F90 (tmpV = dx)
do J=G%JsdB,G%JedB ; do i=G%isd,G%ied ; i2 = 2*i ; j2 = 2*j
dxCv(i,J) = tmpV(i2-1,j2) + tmpV(i2,j2)
htn(i,J) = dx(i2-1,j2) + dx(i2,j2)
from MOM_grid_initialize.F90 (tmpU = dy)
do J=G%JsdB,G%JedB ; do i=G%isd,G%ied ; i2 = 2*i ; j2 = 2*j
dyCu(I,j) = tmpU(i2,j2-1) + tmpU(i2,j2)
hte(I,j) = dy(i2,j2-1) + dy(i2,j2)
rotation angle on supergrid vertices can be found using the formula in MOM_shared_initialization.F90, accounting for indexing difference between reduced grid and super grid
SuperGrid Reduced grid
i-1,j+1 i+1,j+1
X-------X-------X I-1,J I,J
| | | X-------X
| | | | |
| | i,j | | T |
X-------X-------X | |
| | | X-------X
| | | I-1,J-1 I,J-1
| | |
i-1,j-1 i+1,j-1
so that in angle formulae
CICE expects angle to be XY -> LatLon so change the sign from MOM6 value This has been determined from the HYCOM code: ALL/cice/src/grid2cice.f
anglet(i,j) = -pang(i+i0, j+j0) !radians
c pang is from lon-lat to x-y, but anglet is the reverse
where anglet is the angle variable being written to the CICE grid file and pang is HYCOM's own rotation angle.
Area of the T-grid cell is obtained as in MOM_grid_initialize where tmpV = dx on SG and tmpU is dy on SG
dxT(i,j) = tmpV(i2-1,j2-1) + tmpV(i2,j2-1)
dyT(i,j) = tmpU(i2-1,j2-1) + tmpU(i2-1,j2)
This code utilizes a "seam flip" to obtain the required values across the tripole seam. If ipL an ipR are the i-indices of the pole along the last j-row of the reduced grid, then:
ipL-1 ipL ipL+1 ipR-1 ipR ipR+1
x-------x-------x ||| x-------x-------x
Fold over; ipL must align with ipR
ipR+1 ipR ipR-1
ipL-1 ipL ipL+1
SCRIP requires that the vertices be ordered counter-clockwise so that the center grid point is always to the left of the vertex. Here, Vertices are defined counter-clockwise from upper right. Ct-grid vertices are located on the Bu grid; Cu vertices on the Cv grid, Cv vertices on the Cu grid and Bu vertices on the Ct grid. For example, for the Ct-grid, the vertices are:
Vertex #2 Vertex #1
Bu(i-1,j) Bu(i,j)
Bu(i-1,j-1) Bu(i,j-1)
Vertex #3 Vertex #4
so that the vertices of any Ct(i,j) are found as off-sets of the i,j index on the Bu grid
iVertCt(4) = (/0, -1, -1, 0/)
jVertCt(4) = (/0, 0, -1, -1/)
Careful examination of the Cu,Cv and Bu grids lead to similar definitions for the i,j offsets required to extract the other grid stragger vertices locations, all of which can be defined in terms of the iVertCt and jVertCt values
Special treatment is require at the bottom of the grid, where the verticies of the Ctand Cu grid must be set manually (note, these points are on land.) The top of the grid also requires special treatment because the required verticies are located across the tripole seam. This is accomplished by creating 1-d arrays which hold the Ct and Cu grid point locations across the matched seam.