Replacing humans with electronics!
- Wemos D1 Mini (esp8266)
- SSD1306 Display 128x64 I²C with yellow and yellow OLED display
- Simple user interface with only two buttons to increment/decrement a decimal number.
- Safe to resets (loads last total from mqtt broker)
- Mqtt for NSA surveilance compliance
- Open Source
- Blanks screen if the count reaches 0
- Connect display SCL (clock) to Wemos D1 pin D1 and SDA (data) to pin D2
- Connect push buttons to pin D5 and D6, don't forget a pull-down resistor to ground
- Flash esp module with firmware (.bin file)
- Write all lua files onto esp module (you can use supplied software/
- Third button
- Fancy buttons from table calculator
- Center all the texts!1
- Be lazy about posting to mqtt so we can catch mistaken double input followed by a partial reverse
- Display network and strength
- Display mqtt broker stats