All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Lots of bug fixes and save&load cross scenes.
Start Time
Save&Load cross scenes.
Player animations in xml.
Win/die respawns.
GodMode jump.
Save&Load death bug.
Save element, flipx
Used start position in Tiled.
Eliminated magic numbers (now in xml).
Mute volume.
Music, win/death conditions, camera speed.
New levels.
Music and Fx in game.
- Lvl 1 music.
- Lvl 2 music.
- Jump fx.
- Death fx.
- Win fx.
Volume control and mute music methods.
Fire and Ice condition death.
Win condition.
Flip player.
Camera speed and parallax created.
Save and Load methods.
Top ice colliders now are detected.
Lvl 1 and 2 design redone.
- Player, level 1, level 2, debug mode and collisions.
Start from the first level.
Start from the current level.
Start from the second level.
Collision viewer.
God Mode.
Level 1 platforms with collisions.
Level 2 platforms with collisions.
Player with animations (run, idle, jump, die).
Player with movement.
Player with colliders.
Player with two forms.