Numerous image transforms implemented in C++
Please visit HERE for results and analysis of the transforms (with sample output images).
$ cd code
$ cmake .
$ make
Prerequisites: Cmake and GNU make.
$ ./imgProc <filepath_of_image>
You must give the name of image to be processed as argument. Rest program is menu based.
- Rotate
- Translate
- Scale
- Skew
- Negative
- Log Transformation
- Inverse Log Transformation
- Gamma Transformation
- Contrast Stretching
- Gray Level Slicing
- Bit Plane Slicing
- Histogram Equalization
- Adaptive Histogram Equalization
- Histogram Matching
- Mean Filtering
- Weighted Mean Filtering
- Median Filtering
- Sobel Filtering
- Laplacian Filtering
- HighBoost Filtering
- Unsharp Masking