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Releases: Devtography/ibpy_native


06 Apr 17:00
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Minor fixes on error code returns and missing property on IBridge.


  • Property accounts_manager on interface ibpy_native.interfaces.IBridge.


  • Value of err_code for all ibpy_native.error.IBError raised are now aligned to be type int instead of ibpy_native.error.IBErrorCode being passed in some cases.


15 Mar 18:06
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Hotfix IBBridge.req_historical_ticks.


  • Issue of the recursive historical ticks requests won't have its' next start time advanced when IB returns only 1 tick which is earlier than the start time requested for that iteration of request.


14 Mar 22:06
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Hotfix IBBridge.req_historical_ticks.


  • Issue of end time specified for IBBridge.req_historical_ticks get ignored when fetching expired futures contract.


09 Mar 21:06
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Minor release focuses on bug fixes.


  • Properties host, port, and client_id on interface ibpy_native.interfaces.IBBridge and its' implementation ibpy_native.IBBridge.
  • Limits value of argument client_id on ibpy_native.IBBridge to 9999 max.


  • ibpy_native.IBBridge.req_historical_ticks() to enhance its' reliability and accuracy on filtering out ticks received which shouldn't be included in the result of the request.


  • Type hint of return type ibpy_native.utils.datatype.ResHistoricalTicks.
  • Error of error code 10187 - "Invalid starting time (future data request)" raises from ibpy_native.IBBridge.req_historical_ticks() at the end of the task when argument end is None.
  • Issue of request will hang up on clients under the condition of multiple clients submitted the same type of request to the same TWS / IB Gateway instance and appear to have used the same request / ticker ID.


07 Mar 19:17
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Minor enhancement on function IBBridge.req_historical_ticks to provide option for much shorter process time on requests starting from the earliest available data point


  • Optional argument daily_data_starting_point on function IBBridge.req_historical_ticks.


  • Data returned from IBBridge.req_historical_ticks to include the next start time for the next API request when the task is not finished yet.


28 Feb 13:40
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v1.0.0 is the first usable release of the framework. Accounts & orders management features are now implemented, so as placing orders. It's a usable framework for actual trading as of this release. However, it's NOT compatible with pervious versions as a lot of the functions got revamped, including the functions for fetching the historical data.


  • Support of requesting and managing account & portfolio data.
  • Support of requesting active orders & orders management (including order placing, cancellation, and order status updates, etc..).
  • Connection status event listener to notify the connection status between the client program and IB TWS/Gateway.
  • Handling for unexpected connection drops.
    • Resources will be released and on-going tasks will all be terminated on disconnected.
  • Corresponding interfaces for most if not all public classes for easy mocking, so it's gonna be easy to backtest the strategies and use the same set of strategy code for both backtest and live trading.


  • Reordered the grouping of packages and modules (breaking change).
  • IBBridge.req_historical_ticks now works as an async iterator.


  • All deprecated functions.
  • Deprecated script cmd/


02 Sep 07:27
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v0.2.0 Pre-release

v0.2.0 is a minor release refactored most of the project to adopt async/await syntax, added support of streaming live "tick-by-tick" data from IB, and restructured the project.


  • Module ibpy_native.utils.datatype to hold Enum or TypedDict for types of function arguments or return objects.
  • Listener to receive system notifications from IB (via ibpy_native.interfaces.listeners.NotificationListener) in public class ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.
    • Corresponding setter set_on_notify_listener(listener).
  • Function ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.search_detailed_contracts(contract) to search for contracts with complete details from IB's database. This newly implemented function is recommended to replace the deprecated functions get_us_stock_contract(symbol) & get_us_future_contract(symbol, contract_month) in IBBridge.
  • Feature of streaming live "tick-by-tick" data from IB via functions ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.stream_live_ticks(contract, listener, tick_type=ibpy_native.utils.datatype.LiveTicks.LAST) and ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.stop_live_ticks_stream(stream_id).


  • Existing code to align the code style with Google Python Style Guide.
  • Module files location to group them in corresponding sub-packages.
  • Name of classes, variables, and functions to get rid of the prepended double underscore and prepended single underscore for all non-public classes/members to mark for internal usage.
  • Mechanism of internal queue management.
  • Minimum Python version requirement to 3.7 as some of the built-in feature of 3.7 is being used in the project.


  • Function ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.get_us_stock_contract(symbol).
  • Function ibpy_native.bridge.IBBridge.get_us_future_contract(symbol, contract_month).
  • Script cmd/ This script might be updated to work with the refactored functions in future release, but it's not usable for now.


  • Argument timeout on all APIs implemented (use function asyncio.wait_for(aw, timeout, *, loop=None) for timeout instead if needed).


02 Jun 23:26
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v0.1.4 Pre-release

v0.1.4 is a hotfix release addressing the issue of various errors which will will be raised while fetching the historical ticks.


  • Command option --timeout to script cmd/
  • Docstring to files in /ibpy_native.
  • .pylintrc file to control the Pylint behaviours.


  • The parameter attempts of IBBridge.get_historical_ticks now accepts value -1 to loop the IB API reqHistoricalTicks until all available ticks for the specified period are fetched.


  • README section Known issues as the only issue documented there has been fixed.


  • Issue of IBBridge.get_historical_ticks will raise the error code: 200 - No security definition has been found for the request in the middle of ticks fetching.
  • Issue of IBBridge.get_historical_ticks cannot finish fetching all available ticks of a future contract as IB keeps returning "Duplicate ticker ID" when fetching near the earliest available data point.
  • Incorrect time comparison between native datetime object end with aware datetime object head_timestamp in IBBridge.get_historical_ticks.
    4 minutes ago 882f540 zip tar.gz


22 May 08:58
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v0.1.3 Pre-release

v0.1.3 is a minor release includes a script to fetch historical ticks of
US contracts for quick use.


  • script cmd/ to fetch historical ticks,


  • README to introduce the usage of the newly included script.


  • version in remains as 0.1.2 as there is nothing changed for files included in the package released.