π Hi there! I'm Dhruv Sinha, an aspiring web developer with a passion for creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications. I'm constantly exploring new technologies and looking for exciting opportunities to apply my skills.
- Web Development: Proficient in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and React for creating responsive and dynamic web applications.
- Backend Development: Experienced with Node.js and Express.js for server-side development and handling backend operations.
- Database Management: Skilled in MySQL and MongoDB for database creation, management, and performing CRUD operations.
- Data Analytics: Proficient in R and SQL for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization.
- Programming: Strong understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts using C++ and Java.
Jul 2024 - Jan 2025
Dec 2023 - Mar 2024
- Digital Collaboration Platform: Facilitated remote and distributed project management using Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI, Clerk for authentication, and Convex as backend-as-a-service.
- Automated Attendance Management System: Created a web application using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to scan and mark student attendance, utilizing Python for QR generation and Google Firebase for data storage.
- Typing Game: Designed and implemented a typing game application to enhance users' typing speed and accuracy using JavaScript and React.
- Real-time Weather App: Engineered a weather application with automatic location fetching and dynamic updates using OpenWeather API, JavaScript, and React.
- Expense Tracker (MERN stack): Developed a comprehensive expense tracker application utilizing MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
- Student Result Analysis App (MERN stack): Built a robust student result analysis application leveraging the MERN stack for efficient management of student records.
- Image to ASCII Art: Converted images to ASCII art using JavaScript to create a unique text-based representation of images.
- Focus App: Developed a productivity application with a Pomodoro timer, changeable background, to-do list, and music player using React.
- Album Art Wallpaper: Allows users to create custom wallpapers using album art from Spotify. Search for album covers, customize the background with solid colors or gradients, and apply shadow effects and download the image.
- Email: dhruv.sinha06@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dhruvsinha2003