The project consists of a REST API that exposes a database managing 3 entities:
- User
- PlayerProfile
- Achievement
A User can have multiple PlayerProfiles, and a PlayerProfile can have multiple Achievements.
The relationship would be as follows:
title: DB Players
int user_id PK
string username
string password
string email
int age
int player_profile_id PK
string nickname
string avatar
int level
int experience
int points
int user_id FK
int achievement_id PK
string name
string description
int player_profile_id FK
- Golang 1.22.1
- Gin Gonic
- Gorm
- PostgreSQL
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Makefile
- GitHub Actions
- Terraform
- Swagger
- SonarCloud
- Synk
The application consists of an API with respective endpoints for each entity. PostgreSQL is used as the database, and Docker Compose is used to set up both the database and the application. Deployment is handled via a GitHub Actions pipeline to an AWS environment using Terraform.
class User {
+int ID
+string Username
+string Password
+string Email
+int Age
+[]PlayerProfile Profiles
+CreateUser() error
+GetUser(id int) (User, error)
+UpdateUser() error
+DeleteUser() error
class PlayerProfile {
+int ID
+string Nickname
+string Avatar
+int Level
+int Experience
+int Points
+int UserID
+User User
+[]Achievement Achievements
+CreateProfile() error
+GetProfile(id int) (PlayerProfile, error)
+UpdateProfile() error
+DeleteProfile() error
class Achievement {
+int ID
+string Name
+string Description
+int PlayerProfileID
+PlayerProfile PlayerProfile
+CreateAchievement() error
+GetAchievement(id int) (Achievement, error)
+UpdateAchievement() error
+DeleteAchievement() error
User "1" --o "*" PlayerProfile : has
PlayerProfile "1" --o "*" Achievement : unlocks
- GET /users: Returns all users.
- GET /users/{id}: Returns a user by their id.
- POST /users: Creates a user.
- PUT /users/{id}: Updates a user by their id.
- GET /player-profiles: Returns all player profiles.
- GET /player-profiles/{id}: Returns a player profile by its id.
- POST /player-profiles: Creates a player profile.
- PUT /player-profiles/{id}: Updates a player profile by its id.
- GET /achievements: Returns all achievements.
- GET /achievements/{id}: Returns an achievement by its id.
- POST /achievements: Creates an achievement.
- PUT /achievements/{id}: Updates an achievement by its id.
actor Client
participant Auth
participant User
participant PlayerProfile
participant Achievement
Client->>Auth: POST /auth/login
Auth-->>Client: JWT Token
Client->>User: GET /api/v1/users
User-->>Client: Paginated list of users
Client->>User: POST /api/v1/users
User-->>Client: User created
Client->>PlayerProfile: GET /api/v1/player-profiles
PlayerProfile-->>Client: Paginated list of player profiles
Client->>PlayerProfile: POST /api/v1/player-profiles
PlayerProfile-->>Client: Player profile created
Client->>Achievement: GET /api/v1/achievements
Achievement-->>Client: Paginated list of achievements
Client->>Achievement: POST /api/v1/achievements
Achievement-->>Client: Achievement created
Client->>Auth: POST /auth/logout
Auth-->>Client: Session closed
- VPC: For the internal virtual private network configuration of the application.
- EC2: For the creation of the virtual instance hosting the application.
- RDS: For the creation of the PostgreSQL database.
- Security Groups: For configuring the application’s inbound and outbound ports.
- IAM: For creating the necessary roles and permissions for the application.
- S3: For storing Terraform configuration files.
graph TB
subgraph "GitHub"
A[Code Repository]
B[GitHub Actions]
subgraph "AWS Cloud"
subgraph "VPC"
C[EC2 Instance]
D[RDS PostgreSQL]
E[Security Groups]
F[IAM Roles]
G[S3 Bucket]
subgraph "Developer Environment"
H[Docker Compose]
I[Local PostgreSQL]
J[API Application]
A -->|Trigger| B
B -->|Deploy| C
B -->|Configure| F
B -->|Store State| G
C -->|Connect| D
C -->|Uses| E
C -->|Access| F
H -->|Local Development| I
H -->|Local Development| J
J -->|Deployed to| C