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Octave algorithms used for automatically detecting clusters in stacks of low-contrast images and tracking growth events such as Nucleation, Expansion and Coalescence.
Algorithm used to detect clusters in a gray image. Clusters of information should have a higher level of intensity than background otherwise specify if the opposite is true by setting the parameter "inverted" to true.
- Input: Folder containing .tif images to analized.
- Output: Each image under a new folder "Final".
Algorithm used to follow cluster evolution through the images. Nucleation, Expansion and Coalescence events are tracked by comparing the images. Images should be alphabetically ordered by default.
- Nucleation: When a cluster appears where there was none before. Has to remain for NuclThresh Nº of images to be considered. Otherwise discarded as noise.
- Expansion: When a cluster total area increases above the Error_Area parameter. It is considered to have increased size and therefore expanded.
- Coalescence: When two or more clusters suddenly merge together into one. From that point on, the clusters are to be considered a single one.
- Input: Folder containing the alphabetically ordered images.
- Output: Table with the Nº of events per image as well as the total cluster area.