This package allows you to manage system notifications in a database.
When working with systems which dealing with large number of customers, notification management become kind of complex issue, and a notifications management tool will be appreciated. Here we introduce a powerful tool which allow you to manage notifications for your system. we offer api for enable and disable notifications on many levels as the following
- you can disable notification globally, so the system will no longer send notifications of this type.
- you can disable a notification channel globally, so the system will no longer send notification on this channel.
- you can disable notification for a specific notifiable object on a specific notifications and/or channels.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require digitalcloud/advanced-notifications
In Laravel 5.5 the service provider will automatically get registered. In older versions of the framework just add the service provider in config/app.php file:
'providers' => [
You can publish the migration with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DigitalCloud\AdvancedNotifications\AdvancedNotificationsServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After the migration has been published you can create advanced notification tables by running the migrations:
php artisan migrate
After install, you can do stuff like this:
// disable/enable all notifications for specific channel
AdvancedNotifications::setChannelStatus('database', false); // true to enable
// get specific channel status
$channelStatus = AdvancedNotifications::getChannelStatus('database');
// disable/enable a specific notification globally- for all users.
AdvancedNotifications::setNotificationStatus(InvoicePaid::class, false); // true to enable
// get a specific notification status
$notificationStatus = AdvancedNotifications::getNotificationStatus(InvoicePaid::class);
// disable/enable a specific notification for a specific notifiable.
$notifiable = \App\User::find(1);
AdvancedNotifications::setNotificationStatusForNotifiable(InvoicePaid::class, $notifiable, false); // true to enable
// get a specific notification status for a specific notifiable.
$notificationStatusForNotifiable = AdvancedNotifications::getNotificationStatusForNotifiable(InvoicePaid::class, $notifiable);
// disable/enable a specific channel for a specific notifiable.
AdvancedNotifications::setChannelStatusForNotifiable('database', $notifiable, false); // true to enable
// get a specific channel status for a specific notifiable.
$channelStatusForNotifiable = AdvancedNotifications::getChannelStatusForNotifiable('database', $notifiable);
This package will respect the status of each channel, notification and notifiable, it will test the status of those types before actually sending the notification.
It is best practice to leave the job of preparing the notifiable objects to notification itself. so using
and setNotifiables()
will make your code more tidy and clean. a nice example of this:
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class InvoicePaid extends Notification
use Queueable;
* @var User
private $notifiables;
public function send() {
if($this->getNotifiables()) {
->sendNow($this->getNotifiables(), $this);
public function getNotifiables() {
return $this->notifiables;
public function setNotifiables($notifiables) {
$this->notifiables = $notifiables;
we can make notification as event listener by adding the handel()
function to the notification class.
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class InvoicePaid extends Notification
use Queueable;
* @var User
private $notifiables;
public function handle($event) {
// setup notifiable objects, just for illustration
// you can replace this code by your suitable logic
if($event->notifiables) {
// send the notification
public function send() {
if($this->getNotifiables()) {
->sendNow($this->getNotifiables(), $this);
public function getNotifiables() {
return $this->notifiables;
public function setNotifiables($notifiables) {
$this->notifiables = $notifiables;
then add this class as a listener in the $listen array in the app/providers/EventServiceProvider.php
protected $listen = [
\App\Events\NewPurchase::class => [InvoicePaid::class]
and you can fire the event when needed:
event(new NewPurchase($args));
You can pass the notifiable objects to the event or you leave this job to the notification itself.
NewPurchase look like this:
namespace App\Events;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets;
class NewPurchase
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public $notifiables;
public function __construct($notifiables = null)
$this->notifiables = $notifiables;