Msg2swift help you generate swift models from ROS .msg/.srv/.action files. Intended for use with CDRCodable.
In particular Msg2swift generates proper CodableKeys for encoding and decoding fixed-size arrays.
Run the following command to install using Homebrew:
brew install DimaRU/formulae/msg2swift
When you add CDRCodable dependency to your project:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
you may use msg2swift SPM command line plugin:
swift package plugin --allow-writing-to-package-directory msg2swift ../../msg/BatteryState.msg -o model
USAGE: msg2swift [<options>] <file> ...
<file> .msg or .srv or .action file(s) to convert.
--let/--var Use var or let for model properties. (default: --let)
--struct/--class Struct or class declaration. (default: --struct)
Model declaration protocol. (default: --codable)
Convert property names from "snake_case" to
"camelCase" (default: --snake-case)
-c, --compact Compact generated code.
Strip all comments and remove empty lines.
Detect enums. (default: --detect-enum)
Detect and group constants into Swift enum.
-n, --name <name> Object name.
By default file name used.
-o, --output-directory <path>
The output path for generated files.
By default generated files written to the current directory.
-s, --silent Don't print processed file names.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
Use swift package manager for build.
cd Msg2swift
swift build