$ git clone https://github.com/DineshSaravan/anagram-grouping.git
Before attempting to use run this application locally, make sure you have the following installed:
After installing pre-requisites, in your terminal, run the below command from the root directory of this project
yarn install
yarn start
On running above command, it triggers the CLI (command line interface) and prompts a message in terminal for you to enter the path of the file, something like below:
foo@bar:~$ yarn start
$ tsc && node dist/index.js
Enter the path of the file to group anagrams: _
Now in the terminal prompt, enter the path to the file which you would like to group anagrams from the file context containing one word per line format.
Enter the path of the file to group anagrams: ./data/example1.txt
After entering the path to the file in command prompt, press enter to process the anagram grouping. If valid path to a file is provided, then the output would be something similar to below:
Enter the path of the file to group anagrams: ./data/example1.txt
abc, bac, cba
fun, unf
File read time:: 6.239ms
Memory used approximately : 2.52 MB
Total number of lines in file: 7
let anagrams = new Map<string, Set<string>>();
Used HashMap to store groups of anagrams data read from the file.
- @key
- Alphabetised word for each anagram group is stored as key. - @value
- To store multiple anagram words mapped to a singe key group, I usedSet
data structure which supports our requirement by storing only unique anagram words to a group and in a specified order.
- Time Complexity: O(N K log K), where N is the length of words from file, and K is the maximum length of a word in file. File reading contents has the complexity of O(N) and as we iterate through each word. Then, we sort each string in O(K log K) time.
- Space Complexity: O(N), total words printed out in output
On given more time, I would improve this project by:
- Add a client UI to upload a file and generate the anagram groups by displaying the groups data in table view format.
- Improvised deployment strategy to deploy application in docker container and attach automated tests using CI pipeline.
- Add logging configurations to track file data contexts (eg: invalid words in the file can be skipped and added in the logs along with count).
- Performance improvements on huge file data. Also add metrics to visualise in graphs to monitor time, heap and memory usages.
I performed two experiments on reading the file contents using below methods to monitor the performance of reading contents from file in order to support huge data file for processing anagram groups.
In addition to the datasets provided as part of assignment, I also tested the program with one of the public available large dataset size of 32.9MB to monitor the performance. example3.txt.
- readline
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
const readline = readline.createInterface({
input: fileStream,
crlfDelay: Infinity,
readline.on('line', function (line) {
// do something on reading each line from the file
readline.on('close', function () {
// do something after finish reading data from file
- event-stream
const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
.mapSync(function(line) {
// do something on reading each line from the file
.on('error', function(err) {
console.error('Error while reading file.', err);
.on('end', function () {
// do something after finish reading data from file
As a result of the experiment on testing with three different datasets of different sizes, both method implementation stated above successfully executed and the performance were almost same on both implementation. One of the experiments results is show below, where data presented is appropriate for both method implementation.
FileName | File Size | File ReadTime | Memory Used | File linesCount |
example1.txt | 4 KB | 4.063ms | 3.2 MB | 7 |
example2.txt | 1.7 MB | 4.308s | 61.25 MB | 172823 |
example3.txt | 32.9 MB | 55.556s | 540.26 MB | 3468996 |
In terminal, change directory to root directory of this project and run below command to run tests
yarn test
Made by Dinesh Sarvan