A fULL stack app that showcases blogs created by users, allows users to create their account or signup, create, delete and edit their own blogs and comment on another user's account using their username. If the app is sitting idle for more than 5 minutes then the app automatically signs off.
- Built a full stack app using the MVC paradigm, created our server-side API, added user authentication, and connected the app to a database and deployed the app on a web server.
- Built on the agile development methodologies that we have used throughout this course.
- Instead of using the HTML for the front end, used handlebars for displaying the front end version of the app.
- All of this information is stored directly in our website for easy access.
- Used a framework that was both easy-to use, but also responsive and optimize for the user’s experience.
- Used Heroku web server to host our app and added a third party JAWS DB in order to display the seeded contents from the database.
- The steps involved in designing mainy dealt with designing the MVC code and using the MYSQL workbench to seed the necessary data.
- Libraries - In order to run the app, I installed alot of libraries, namely,
- npm install sequelize
- npm install dotenv
- npm install mysql2
- npm install express
- npm install express-handlebars
- npm install bcrypt
- npm install express-session
- Frameworks : I used the following frameworks to obtain font icons forthe website and ready-to-use front-end components!
- Font Awesome
- Bulma
Database:I used it in order to create the input and seed it into our web app
- My SQL
Frontend, Backend and Styling : For this app, I skipped the html layout for the front end and used the normal styling techniches that has been used till now
- Handlebars
- CSS3
- JavaScript
Along with it,I deployed the app through Heroku web host and Configured an additional add on JAWS DB in order to relate the code and database.
The web app created can be run either from the server using localhost:3001 or through the heroku link. Once uploaded, the web page runs as shown ih the gif.
The app has been deployed on GITHUB, where all the codes are visible, and the working web app has been deployed on heroku
The project has been assigned by the Carleton University Coding Bootcamp, our instructor and the TA's