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Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure (RACD) -- Proof-of-Concept Implementation

We provide the instructions to verify our ProVerif code w.r.t. our paper "Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure", accepted for publication at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2023.

In the follwing, we provide the proof-of-concept (PoC) implementation of our RACD Protocol, where we provide instructions to compile and run the code. In addition, we give an overview of our impelementation (see RACD Protocol)

RACD ProVerif Proof

This is the source code used to verify some of the security properties of the Remote Attestation with Constrained Disclosure (RACD) protocol.

The ProVerif folder contains the ProVerif code (racd.pv) and the ProVerif Windows executable (proverif.exe).

racd.pv: The code is meant to verify the secrecy of the randomness used to blind the template hashes (x_i) from the adversary. Moreover, we verify if the attacker is able to brute-force/guess x_i. We verify with ProVerif if the adversary is able to retrieve the values ri and vi through the entire process of the involved entities.

RACD ProVerif Proof Instructions for Docker

  1. Make sure Docker is installed on your system. Under Ubuntu, make sure you are a member of the docker group (and either re-login or restart the system after executing the command):

    sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
  2. Clone this Git repository (RACD):

    git clone ''
  3. Change to the ProVerif folder

    cd ./ProVerif/
  4. Build the Docker image:

  5. Either run the RACD ProVerif code non-interactively with:

    ./docker/ proverif racd.pv

    or interactively with:


    and then inside the container:

    proverif racd.pv

RACD ProVerif Proof Instructions for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)

Make sure the following packages are installed:

Install them with:

sudo apt-get install -y ocaml ocaml-compiler-libs ocaml-findlib liblablgtk2-ocaml-dev
  1. Download the source of ProVerif for Linux

  2. Extract the archive:

tar -xf proverif2.04.tar
  1. Navigate to the folder and build the program:

    cd proverif2.04
  2. Clone this Git repository into the current folder where the command above was executed.

  3. RACD ProVerif code executing the command for Linux:

./proverif RACD/ProVerif/racd.pv

RACD ProVerif Proof Instructions for Windows

  1. Download the ProVerif binary for Windows

  2. Clone this Git repository or uncompress the archive.

  3. Change to ProVerif folder.

  4. Run our protocol by executing the command for Windows:

    proverif.exe racd.pv

RACD Protocol PoC Implementation

We provide instructions to emulate our PoC in Docker with a TPM Simulator. In addition, we describe the commands to deploy our PoC on a real hardware, a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, and with a real hardware TPM that we used in our experiment evaluation.


The table below gives a small overview of the structure and sub-folders of the racd-protocol folder. For more details, we refer to racd-protocol readme.

Folder Content
docker The docker folder contains necessary configuration scripts for the Dockerfile in the racd-protocol . For changes or re-use, the Dockerfile needs to be only customized. Hence, the and exist to build the image and to run the image.
example The example folder presents cbor files and exemplary certificates. More details can be found in the readme of the racd-protocol.
include The include folder contains all the C - header files.
src The src folder contains the actual implementation of the racd-protocol. For details, we refer to racd-protocol readme.

RACD Protocol PoC Instructions for Docker

  1. Make sure Docker is installed on your system. Under Ubuntu, make sure you are a member of the docker group (and either re-login or restart the system after executing the command):

    sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
  2. Clone this Git repository (RACD):

    git clone ''
  3. Change to the racd-protocol folder

    cd ./racd-protocol/
  4. Build the Docker image:

  5. Run the RACD container interactively with:

  6. Continue with the steps described in Run the RACD Protocol PoC

RACD Protocol PoC Instructions for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B with LetsTrust TPM 2.0

We need to install an operating system on the Raspberry Pi and configure the TPM. Further, we need to install all dependencies for the RACD Protocol PoC implementation. Finally, we install the RACD Protocol PoC code and set TPM permissions accordingly.

Basic Raspberry Pi Setup

First, we need to prepare the SD card for the Raspberry Pi.

  1. Download Raspberry Pi OS:

    wget ''
  2. Unzip the image:

  3. Flash the image:

    sudo dd if=2021-10-30-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img of=/dev/sdX status=progress ; sync
  4. Mount the SD card.

  5. Enable SSH by creating an empty file ssh in the boot partition.

  6. Enable Wifi in the Pi by adding the file wpa_supplicant.conf to the boot partition with the following content:

    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
  7. Enable the TPM by editing the config.txt of the boot partition (cf.

    • Uncomment the line dtparam=spi=on.

    • Add the line dtoverlay=tpm-slb9670 at the end of the file.

Next, we startup and configure the Raspberry Pi.

  1. Insert the SD card into the Raspberry Pi and start it, SSH into it, and run sudo raspi-config. Change hostname (racd-pi), locales, timezone, expand filesystem, etc.

  2. Copy a SSH public key from you local machine to the Raspberry Pi:

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ pi@racd-pi
    ## or
    ssh-copy-id -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -i ~/.ssh/ pi@racd-pi
    ## or forcing, in case only the public key is available
    ssh-copy-id -o PreferredAuthentications=password -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -f -i pi@racd-pi
  3. Disable password login in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

    • Change the line #PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no

    • Optional: change the line Port 22 to Port 2784 (or another port)

    • Restart SSH with sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

Install Dependencies

  1. Update the package database:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
  2. Install TPM2 TSS dependencies:

    sudo apt -y install \
        autoconf \
        autoconf-archive \
        automake \
        acl \
        build-essential \
        doxygen \
        gcc \
        git \
        iproute2 \
        libcmocka0 \
        libcmocka-dev \
        libcurl4-openssl-dev \
        libini-config-dev \
        libjson-c-dev \
        libltdl-dev \
        libssl-dev \
        libtool \
        pkg-config \
        procps \
  3. TPM2 TSS: Downlaod, compile, and install:

    ## clone Git repo
    git clone --depth=1 -b '3.1.0' \
        '' ~/tpm2-tss
    ## compile
    cd ~/tpm2-tss
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
    git reset --hard \
        && git clean -xdf \
        && ./bootstrap \
        && ./configure --disable-doxygen-doc \
        && make clean \
        && make -j
    ## install
    sudo make install \
        && sudo ldconfig
  4. libCoAP: Downlaod, compile, and install:

    ## clone Git repo
    git clone --recursive -b 'develop' \
        '' ~/libcoap
    cd ~/libcoap
    git checkout f681525272c1ab2d1abbeed0cfb03edba23d8936
    #git checkout ea1deffa6b3997eea02635579a4b7fb7af4915e5
    ## compile
    ./ \
        && ./configure --disable-tests --disable-documentation --disable-manpages --disable-dtls --disable-shared --enable-fast-install \
        && make -j
    ## install
    sudo make install \
        && sudo ldconfig
  5. mbed TLS: Downlaod, compile, and install

    ## clone Git repo
    git clone --depth=1 --recursive -b 'v2.25.0' \
        '' ~/mbedtls
    cd ~/mbedtls
    ## compile
    make -j lib SHARED=true
    ## install
    sudo make install \
        && sudo ldconfig
  6. QCBOR: Downlaod, compile, and install

    ## clone Git repo
    git clone --depth=1 --recursive -b 'v1.1' \
        '' ~/qcbor
    cd ~/qcbor
    ## compile
    make -j all so
    ## install
    sudo make install install_so \
        && sudo ldconfig
  7. t_cose: Downlaod, compile, and install

    ## clone Git repo
    git clone --depth=1 --recursive -b 'v1.0.1' \
        '' ~/t_cose
    cd ~/t_cose
    ## compile
    make -j -f Makefile.psa libt_cose.a
    ## install
    sudo make -f Makefile.psa install install_so \
        && sudo ldconfig
  8. Libsodium: Downlaod, compile, and install

    ## download
    mkdir libsodium
    cd libsodium/
    wget ''
    tar xzf libsodium-1.0.18.tar.gz
    cd libsodium-1.0.18/
    ## compile
    make -j
    ## install
    sudo make install \
        && sudo ldconfig

Prepare RACD Protocol PoC

  1. Clone this Git repository (RACD):

    git clone '' ~/racd-poc
  2. Change to the RACD Protocol PoC folder:

    cd ~/racd-poc/racd-protocol/

Adjust TPM Permissions

Set permissions on TPM device:

sudo chmod 777 /dev/tpm*

Continue with the steps described in Run the RACD Protocol PoC

Run the RACD Protocol PoC

  1. Compile:

    ## clean up
    make -f Makefileclient clean
    make -f Makefileserver clean
    ## build client (verifer)
    make -f Makefileclient
    ## build server (attester)
    make -f Makefileserver
  2. Run and collect time information:

    ## change folder
    cd example
    ## export
    export ASAN_OPTIONS=verify_asan_link_order=0
    ## run attester (wait for the output "Waiting for a remote connection ...")
    ../output/attestor server_name=localhost \
        server_port=4433 ca_file=my_ca_localhost.crt \
        crt_file=prover_localhost.crt key_file=prover_key.key \
        programs_file=programs250.cbor &
    ## run verifier in a loop
    for i in {1..100}; do ../output/verifier server_name=localhost \
        server_port=4433 ca_file=my_ca_localhost.crt \
        crt_file=verifier_localhost.crt key_file=verifier_key.key \
        swSelection_file=programs50.cbor; done
    ## remove log files for next data gathering
    rm -v pcr0.log ppra_attester_50_local_new.csv ppra_verifier_50_new.csv


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