PWA utility library. This library provides some function to help you get started in pwa creation. Visit demo page here. No external dependencies
npm i @donskelle/pwa-helpers
Lookup manifest properties here or use this generator. Be aware that manifest specification is not stable. So you should look it up here and subscribe to changes, when you wanna use it in production.
Some examples of manifest:
- Tinder manifest.json
- Starbucks manifest.json
- About You manifest.json
- Spotify Manifest is hashed so lookup by inspecting network tab
iOS still doens't support all fields of it manifest. You need set additional meta tags in head. Look them up here:
Your service worker should be generated, if you want offline support or generally cache things. To generate a service worker goto workbox or lookup a library based solution (e.g. create-react-app, vue-cli). They will use workbox under the hood as well but hide some configuration.
import { idleFramePromise } from '@donskelle/pwa-helpers';
const initNotBlockingMaintreadTask = async () => {
await idleFramePromise();
await idleFramePromise();
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { preventLeavingPWAScope } from '@donskelle/pwa-helpers';
function preventLeavingPWAScope(ref) {
useEffect(() => {
if (!ref.current) return;
return preventLeavingPWAScope(ref.current, '');
}, [ref]);
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { preventLeavingPWAScope } from '@donskelle/pwa-helpers';
function preventLeavingPWAScope(target: ref<HtmlElement | undefined>) {
let unSubscribeFunction = ref<() => void>();
onMounted(() => {
unSubscribeFunction.value = preventLeavingPWAScope(target.value);
onUnmounted(() => unSubscribeFunction.value?.());