calculates and provides quality assurance metrics for a given functional MRI nifti file. can be used by defining input parameters or without input parameters. If no input parameters are defined will guide the user through dialog boxes to manually define the input.
If you use pyfMRIqc as part of your work, please include the following citation:
Williams, B. and Lindner, M., 2020. pyfMRIqc: A Software Package for Raw fMRI Data Quality Assurance. Journal of Open Research Software, 8(1), p.23. DOI:
python -n <func_nift_file> -s <SNR_voxel_perc>
python -n <func_nift_file> -s <SNR_voxel_perc> -m <motion_file>
python -n <func_nift_file> -s <SNR_voxel_perc> (-m <motion_file>) -t <mask_threshold>
python -n <func_nift_file> -s <SNR_voxel_perc> (-m <motion_file>) -k <mask_nift_file>
-n: functional MR nifti file
-m: motion parameters file of motion correction from FSL (*.par), SPM (rp*.txt) or AFNI (*.1D)
-s: percentage of low values outside the mask for SNR calculation
-o: output directory
-t: threshold of mean values for the mask to calculate QC etc.
-k: nifti file containing 3D binary mask to calculate QC creates the following outputs:
- MEAN over time
- VAR over time
- MASK (binary - containing voxels above the threshold or the input mask)
- MASK4SNR (binary - lowest n percent of lowest valuues used for SNR calculation)
- SNR signal-to-noise ratio
- SQUARED SCALED DIFF (Squared Diff / Mean Diff)
- scaled variability: Mean (over all voxel) squared diff plot over time / global mean squared diff
- slice by slice variability: Mean (mean per slice) squared diff plot over time / global mean squared diff
- if motion file was selected: sum of relative movements over time (z-scored)
- scaled mean voxel intensity: mean(data/global mean) )(z-scored)
- variance of scaled variability (z-scored)
- min/mean/max slice variability
- containing an overview about scan and QC parameters
See guidelines about the output in the Documentation
Copy the pyfMRIqc folder in a folder of your choice on your system and add the directory to your PYTHONPATH.
pyfMRIqc is developed in python 3.6 and the following packages need to be installed: numpy, nibabel, matplotlib, scipy and easygui. (pyfMRIqc was developed and tested with the following versions: python: 3.6.4, numpy: 1.14.3, nibabel: 2.2.1, matplotlib: 2.1.0, scipy: 0.19.1 and easygui: 0.98.1 )
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3) as published by the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
Michael Lindner, Brendan Williams
University of Reading, 2020
School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics