My personal hub on the web.
Bootstrap websites are ubiquitous, responsive, and mobile friendly by default.
FontAwesome provides a large and robust icon set for free. More importantly, using these icons minimizes the number of new graphics that need to be created.
On your first visit the service worker will cache static resources, such as images and third party css/js files, so that they do not need to be re-downloaded on subsequent visits. This reduces network usage and improves overall site performance.
Progressive Web App compliance can by audited with Google Chrome's Lighthouse 5.0.0.
- Page load is fast enough on mobile networks
- Pages respond with a 200 when offline
- start_url responds with a 200 when offline
- Uses HTTPS
- Registers a service worker that controls page and start_url
- Web app manifest meets the installability requirements
- Redirects HTTP traffic to HTTPS
- Configured for a custom splash screen
- Sets an address-bar theme color
- Content is sized correctly for the viewport
- Has a tag with width or initial-scale
- Contains some content when JavaScript is not available
- Provides a valid apple-touch-icon
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- FontAwesome 5.8.2
- Google Fonts - Roboto
- jQuery 3.6.4
- Popper.js 1.14.7