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Repository files navigation

Getting Started

  • Clone the next-movies repo.
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies.
  • Create .env.local file and paste the contents of .env.example file.
  • Generate API key by following the instructions here:
  • Add generated API key from the step above in the .env.local file as API_KEY.
  • Run npm run dev or yarn dev to run the development server.

Open http://localhost:3000 within your browser.


homepage slider

Homepage Slider

movie details page (movie details)

Theme Editor

movie details page (movie cast)

Theme Editor

tv show details page (tv show details)

Theme Editor

tv show details page (tv show seasons)

Theme Editor

trending actors

Theme Editor

actor details page

Theme Editor

theme editor

Theme Editor




/ - homepage displays current trending movies

/movies/[genreID] - page that displays movies based on the given genre

/movie/[movieID] - page that displays details about movie, including popular cast

TV Shows

/tv - page that displays current trending TV Shows

/tvshows/[genreID] - page that displays TV Shows based on the given genre

/tv/[tvShowID] - page that displays details about TV Show, including popular cast and seasons.


/actors - page that displays current trending actors

/actor/[actorID] - page that displays information about actor and what they are known for

More details - TBA