This project contains the frontend for the UnboundMNL Problem Area #2. It is a Vue 3 application built with Vite. The project presents a simple loan management system.
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
Recommended: Install Yarn Berry
- Install Node.js 14+
- Open a terminal on your user directory.
- Run
corepack enable
- Run
yarn set version stable
Duplicate .env.example
and rename it to .env
The API URL to use for the application, defaults to http://localhost:3000
This is the URL where the backend is running.
Prettier for Code Formatting
You can install the Prettier - Code formatter extension (for VSCode).
Other editors have their own extensions as well.
Rules are already set in .prettierrc.json
ESLint for Code Linting
You can install the ESLint extension (for VSCode).
Other editors have their own extensions as well.
Rules are already set in .eslintrc.js
yarn dev
yarn build
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
yarn test:unit
Lint with ESLint
yarn lint