The Dynamo repo was reviewed at hash c331ffefad
In-Scope Contracts
- contracts/aaveAdapter.vy
- contracts/compoundadapter.vy
- contracts/Dynamo4626.vy
- contracts/fraxlendadapter.vy
- contracts/FundsAllocator.vy
- contracts/Governance.vy
Deployment Chain(s)
- Ethereum Mainnet
Identifier | Title | Severity | Fixed |
[H-01] | Access control modifiers on _claim_fees will permanently lock proposer | High | |
[H-02] | Math error in Dynamo4626#_claimable_fees_available will lead to fees or strategy lockup | High | |
[H-03] | Malicious user can disable compound integration via share manipulation | High | |
[H-04] | Dangerous approval/rejection criteria when number of guards is odd | High | |
[H-05] | A single malfunctioning/malicious adapter can permanently DOS entire vault | High | |
[M-01] | Governance#replaceGovernance is unable to actually change vault governance | Med | |
[M-02] | Assert statement in Dynamo4626#_claimable_fees_available can cause vault softlock in the event of partial fund loss | Med | |
[L-01] | aaveAdapter.vy has no method to claim LP incentives | Low |
elif _yield == FeeType.PROPOSER:
assert msg.sender == self.current_proposer, "Only curent proposer may claim strategy fees."
self.total_strategy_fees_claimed += claim_amount
Dynamo4626#_set_strategy attempts to distribute fees to proposer when proposer changes. The problem is that _claim_fees requires that msg.sender == proposer. Since _set_strategy can only be called by governance this subcall will always revert. The result is that the first proposer will have a monopoly on all proposals since any strategy that wasn't submitted by them would fail when attempting to activate it.
Lines 496 to 533 in c331ffe
Revise access control on _set_strategy. I would suggest allowing anyone to claim tokens but sending to the correct target instead of msg.sender
fee_percentage: uint256 = YIELD_FEE_PERCENTAGE
if _yield == FeeType.PROPOSER:
elif _yield == FeeType.BOTH:
elif _yield != FeeType.YIELD:
assert False, "Invalid FeeType!"
total_fees_ever : uint256 = (convert(total_returns,uint256) * fee_percentage) / 100
assert self.total_strategy_fees_claimed + self.total_yield_fees_claimed <= total_fees_ever, "Total fee calc error!"
In the assert statement, total_fees_ever is compared against both fees types of fees claimed. The issue with this is that this is a relative value depending on which type of fee is being claimed. The assert statement on the other hand always compares as if it is FeeType.BOTH. This will lead to this function unexpectedly reverting when trying to claim proposer fees. This leads to stuck fees but also proposer locked as described in H-01.
Check should be made against the appropriate values (i.e. proposer should be check against only self.total_strategy_fees_claimed).
It's a common assumption that Compound V2 share ratio can only ever increase but with careful manipulation it can actually be lowered. The full explanation is a bit long but you can find it here in one of my public reports.
if pool.current < pool.last_value:
# We've lost value in this adapter! Don't give it more money!
blocked_adapters[blocked_pos] = pool.adapter
blocked_pos += 1 = 0 # This will result in no tx being generated.
This quirk of Compound V2 can be used to trigger the check in FundsAllocator to block the Compound V2 adapter. This is useful if the user wants to push their own proposal allowing them to sabotage other users and cause loss of yield to the vault.
Instead of using an absolute check, instead only block the adapter if there is reasonable loss.
assert (len(pending_strat.VotesEndorse) >= len(self.LGov)/2) or \
The above assert statement requires that the number of endorsements equals or exceeds the number of guards / 2. This becomes an issue with odd numbers due to truncation. If you were to have 3 guards then even a single approval would allow instant approval ( 3/2 = 1). In this scenario even a single malicious or compromised guard could drain the entire vault via a malicious proposal.
Make the requirement that it must equal or exceed length / 2 + length % 2
Lines 47 to 57 in c331ffe
for pos in range(MAX_POOLS):
pool : BalancePool = _pool_balances[pos]
if pool.adapter == empty(address): break
# If the pool has been removed from the strategy then we must empty it!
if pool.ratio == 0: = 0 = convert(pool.current, int256) * -1 # Withdraw it all!
else: = (total_pool_target_assets * pool.ratio) / _total_ratios = convert(, int256) - convert(pool.current, int256)
When rebalancing the vault, FundsAllocator attempts to withdraw/deposit from each adapter. In the event that the underlying protocol (such as AAVE) disallows deposits or withdrawals (or is hacked), the entire vault would be DOS'd since rebalancing is called on every withdraw, deposit or strategy change.
Add an emergency function to force remove adapters and make it accessible via Governance.vy
for guard_addr in self.LGov:
if self.VotesGCByVault[vault][guard_addr] == NewGovernance:
VoteCount += 1
# if len(self.LGov) == VoteCount:
# Vault(self.Vault).replaceGovernanceContract(NewGovernance)
The code to actually replace the governance contract has been commented out resulting in it being impossible to ever change the governance contract.
Restore code by removing comment
[M-02] Assert statement in Dynamo4626#_claimable_fees_available can cause vault softlock in the event of partial fund loss
assert self.total_strategy_fees_claimed + self.total_yield_fees_claimed <= total_fees_ever, "Total fee calc error!"
In the event of partial fund loss there may be legit cases where this assert statement is triggered. If the vault suffers a partial loss but still maintains a positive return (i.e. it has made 100e18 but suffers a loss of 50e18) then this statement will improperly revert. Given this function is called with every deposit and withdraw the vault would be completely DOS'd until yield (or donation) recovered the difference.
Instead of reverting, simply return 0.
Considering this low since the primary scope for this audit is mainnet Ethereum.
On alt L1's and L2's AAVE V3 frequently has LP incentives (such as OP tokens on Optimism). The current adapter has no methodology to claim these tokens. Any tokens accumulated to the vault would be impossible to claim leading to loss of yield for all LP's in the vault.
Before deploying anything other than mainnet make sure to include a way to claim and distribute/swap rewards to the vault.