Signup for free alchemy account, create a project with ETH mainnet.
Edit source_me and put your api key where it says <PUT YOUR ALCHEMY API KEY HERE!!!>
Ensure that nvm is installed for node deployments.
Create a python virtual environment to isolate your project.
Activate your python virtual environment.
Get your environment sane:
source source_me
Install all environmental dependencies:
make init
- Execute the unit tests:
If all your tests pass then you're good to go.
Confirm node is correct. Most problems are due to node.
$ node --version
Make sure nothing is listening on port 8445.
sudo netstat -lntp | grep 8545
Optionally pre-launch the RPC server (which will block this shell):
npx hardhat node --fork https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/$WEB3_ETHEREUM_MAINNET_ALCHEMY_API_KEY --fork-block-number 17024800
Edit the file source_me and enter your Alchemy API Key where it belongs then do:
git update-index --assume-unchanged source_me
source source_me
If you don't pre-launch the RPC server yourself ape will spin one up but it has a race condition and sometimes fails.
ape test --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat
^^ This may occasionally fail, I'm working on fixing it.
We're using ApeWorX with PyTest as our development environment.
Dynamo DeFi Github Project Board
Refer to test_swap.py for an example on how we use deployed Balancer Vault to perform a swap.
We copy built artifacts from balancer project.
cp /path/to/balancer-v2-monorepo/pkg/vault/artifacts/contracts/Vault.sol/Vault.json ./contracts/
cp /path/to/balancer-v2-monorepo/pkg/solidity-utils/artifacts/@balancer-labs/v2-interfaces/contracts/solidity-utils/openzeppelin/IERC20.sol/IERC20.json ./contracts/
To run the test :-
ape test --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat tests/test_swap.py -s
Doing this same thing in console would look like this.
ape console --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat
INFO: Starting 'Hardhat node' process.
In [1]: WETH = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
...: BAL = "0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D"
...: POOL_BAL_WETH = "0x5c6Ee304399DBdB9C8Ef030aB642B10820DB8F56"
...: pool_BAL_WETH = "0x5c6ee304399dbdb9c8ef030ab642b10820db8f56000200000000000000000014"
...: VAULT = "0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8"
...: weth = project.IERC20.at(WETH)
...: bal = project.IERC20.at(BAL)
...: vault = project.Vault.at(VAULT)
In [2]: trader = accounts.test_accounts[0]
In [3]: print(trader)
In [4]: trader.transfer(WETH, "100 Ether")
INFO: Confirmed 0xe4764870ea5eb58704d6f2c0d2dcba39f9698ef2f758a024d2a70c8cd98bfe37 (total fees paid = 0)
Out[4]: <Receipt 0xe4764870ea5eb58704d6f2c0d2dcba39f9698ef2f758a024d2a70c8cd98bfe37>
In [5]: print("WETH", weth.balanceOf(trader))
...: print("BAL", bal.balanceOf(trader))
WETH 100000000000000000000
In [6]: weth.approve(VAULT, "100000 Ether", sender=trader)
INFO: Confirmed 0xebd5616549840c25d3924b7c3f272819b107a88fe34c8cbe16bba7637c89504c (total fees paid = 0)
Out[6]: <Receipt 0xebd5616549840c25d3924b7c3f272819b107a88fe34c8cbe16bba7637c89504c>
In [7]: struct_single_swap = (
...: pool_BAL_WETH, #bytes32 poolId
...: 0, #SwapKind kind
...: WETH, #IAsset assetIn
...: BAL, #IAsset assetOut
...: "1 Ether", #uint256 amount
...: b"" #bytes userData
...: )
...: struct_fund_management = (
...: trader, #address sender
...: False, #bool fromInternalBalance
...: trader, #address payable recipient
...: False #bool toInternalBalance
...: )
...: vault.swap(
...: struct_single_swap, #SingleSwap singleSwap
...: struct_fund_management, #FundManagement funds
...: "1 Ether", #uint256 limit
...: 999999999999999999, #uint256 deadline
...: sender=trader
...: )
INFO: Confirmed 0x794533188466df6922825306fb7d1105cdf71225fa4fce6614a41112703e6888 (total fees paid = 0)
Out[7]: <Receipt 0x794533188466df6922825306fb7d1105cdf71225fa4fce6614a41112703e6888>
In [8]: print("WETH", weth.balanceOf(trader))
...: print("BAL", bal.balanceOf(trader))
WETH 99000000000000000000
BAL 233863765411278079176
In [9]:
This results in local RPC endpoint which is fork of ETH mainnet and has our vault deployed, can be used with metamask to help with frontend development.
- Activate your python virtual environment.
- Install dependencies
make init
- export your alchemy key
- Run the deployment script
ape run hardhat_deploy --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat
(each time you run this it wipes the state)
Note down relavent info once the command runs.
Important: Each time you run this script, you must reset metamask account or ull use wrong nonce and your tx will remain stuck forever.