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Installation & Smoke Test


  1. Signup for free alchemy account, create a project with ETH mainnet.

  2. Edit source_me and put your api key where it says <PUT YOUR ALCHEMY API KEY HERE!!!>

  3. Ensure that nvm is installed for node deployments.

  4. Create a python virtual environment to isolate your project.


  1. Activate your python virtual environment.

  2. Get your environment sane: source source_me

  3. Install all environmental dependencies: make init

Smoke Test

  1. Execute the unit tests: ./runtests

If all your tests pass then you're good to go.

Dealing with Issues

Confirm node is correct. Most problems are due to node.

$ node --version

Make sure nothing is listening on port 8445.

sudo netstat -lntp | grep 8545

Optionally pre-launch the RPC server (which will block this shell):

npx hardhat   node   --fork$WEB3_ETHEREUM_MAINNET_ALCHEMY_API_KEY --fork-block-number 17024800

Edit the file source_me and enter your Alchemy API Key where it belongs then do:

git update-index --assume-unchanged source_me

source source_me

If you don't pre-launch the RPC server yourself ape will spin one up but it has a race condition and sometimes fails.

Now in another shell:

ape test --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat

^^ This may occasionally fail, I'm working on fixing it.

Test & Execution Environment

We're using ApeWorX with PyTest as our development environment.

ApeWorX Discord

ApeWorX Website

ApeWorX Documentation

PyTest Website

Project Tracking (Internal Only)

Dynamo DeFi Github Project Board

Using upstream contracts

Refer to for an example on how we use deployed Balancer Vault to perform a swap.

We copy built artifacts from balancer project.

cp /path/to/balancer-v2-monorepo/pkg/vault/artifacts/contracts/Vault.sol/Vault.json ./contracts/
cp /path/to/balancer-v2-monorepo/pkg/solidity-utils/artifacts/@balancer-labs/v2-interfaces/contracts/solidity-utils/openzeppelin/IERC20.sol/IERC20.json ./contracts/

To run the test :-

ape test --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat tests/  -s

Doing this same thing in console would look like this.

ape console --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat
INFO: Starting 'Hardhat node' process.

In [1]: WETH  = "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
   ...: BAL   = "0xba100000625a3754423978a60c9317c58a424e3D"
   ...: POOL_BAL_WETH = "0x5c6Ee304399DBdB9C8Ef030aB642B10820DB8F56"
   ...: pool_BAL_WETH = "0x5c6ee304399dbdb9c8ef030ab642b10820db8f56000200000000000000000014"
   ...: VAULT = "0xBA12222222228d8Ba445958a75a0704d566BF2C8"
   ...: weth =
   ...: bal =
   ...: vault =

In [2]: trader = accounts.test_accounts[0]

In [3]: print(trader)

In [4]: trader.transfer(WETH, "100 Ether")
INFO: Confirmed 0xe4764870ea5eb58704d6f2c0d2dcba39f9698ef2f758a024d2a70c8cd98bfe37 (total fees paid = 0)
Out[4]: <Receipt 0xe4764870ea5eb58704d6f2c0d2dcba39f9698ef2f758a024d2a70c8cd98bfe37>

In [5]: print("WETH", weth.balanceOf(trader))
   ...: print("BAL", bal.balanceOf(trader))
WETH 100000000000000000000

In [6]: weth.approve(VAULT, "100000 Ether", sender=trader)
INFO: Confirmed 0xebd5616549840c25d3924b7c3f272819b107a88fe34c8cbe16bba7637c89504c (total fees paid = 0)
Out[6]: <Receipt 0xebd5616549840c25d3924b7c3f272819b107a88fe34c8cbe16bba7637c89504c>

In [7]: struct_single_swap = (
   ...:     pool_BAL_WETH, #bytes32 poolId
   ...:     0, #SwapKind kind
   ...:     WETH, #IAsset assetIn
   ...:     BAL, #IAsset assetOut
   ...:     "1 Ether", #uint256 amount
   ...:     b"" #bytes userData
   ...: )
   ...: struct_fund_management = (
   ...:     trader, #address sender
   ...:     False, #bool fromInternalBalance
   ...:     trader, #address payable recipient
   ...:     False #bool toInternalBalance
   ...: )
   ...: vault.swap(
   ...:     struct_single_swap, #SingleSwap singleSwap
   ...:     struct_fund_management, #FundManagement funds
   ...:     "1 Ether", #uint256 limit
   ...:     999999999999999999, #uint256 deadline
   ...:     sender=trader
   ...: )
INFO: Confirmed 0x794533188466df6922825306fb7d1105cdf71225fa4fce6614a41112703e6888 (total fees paid = 0)
Out[7]: <Receipt 0x794533188466df6922825306fb7d1105cdf71225fa4fce6614a41112703e6888>

In [8]: print("WETH", weth.balanceOf(trader))
   ...: print("BAL", bal.balanceOf(trader))
WETH 99000000000000000000
BAL 233863765411278079176

In [9]:   

Local dev env

This results in local RPC endpoint which is fork of ETH mainnet and has our vault deployed, can be used with metamask to help with frontend development.

  1. Activate your python virtual environment.
  2. Install dependencies make init
  3. export your alchemy key export WEB3_ALCHEMY_API_KEY=REPLACE_ME
  4. Run the deployment script ape run hardhat_deploy --network :mainnet-fork:hardhat (each time you run this it wipes the state)

Note down relavent info once the command runs.

Important: Each time you run this script, you must reset metamask account or ull use wrong nonce and your tx will remain stuck forever.