Releases: ECheynet/SEIR
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
- Examples updated.
- Minor bug corrected in the example dealing with the US cities ad states.
- The initial and final times are now chosen more easily by the user. This should greatly simplify the fitting procedure.
- The data from the Italian regions seems to be no longer available before June 2020
- Minor update for the functions used to fit multiple epidemic waves.
Full description of the code and documentation available at:
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
- Added a folder Documentation.pdf that display the examples and documentation in a pdf format
- Examples updated
- Deleted the example with French regions, since the data were no longer updated
- Added an optional parameter in datetime, which improve the code performance for users in e.g. China (cf. Issue Time error #13)
Full description of the code and documentation available at:
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Updated the examples
Full description of the code and documentation available at:
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Corrected a typo in the documentation
Updated the example files
Added a description in the multiple wave simulation (the quality of the fit depends on the initial number of infectious and exposed)
The full description of the code is available on
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
- The coefficients used in the fatality and recovery rate are now properly defined
- Minor improvements in the fitting algorithm
- Updated examples
- The initial values E0 and I0 are updated
Full description of the code on:
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Correction of a typographical error in Documentation.mlx
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Added additional condition for the selection of the country (thank to Aleks Czernicki). For more details, see: #12
The file Tutorial.mlx is renamed Documentation.mlx and is more detailed.
Added new functions and one new example for:
plotting the computed and fitted deaths and recovery rate. These are useful to check whether the fitting is successful or not. Bad fitting means that a local minimum was found.
Simulating and fitting cases where multiple epidemic waves are observed. The example or several Chinese provinces are used for this purpose.
Example1.mlx was renamed Tutorial.mlx, Example2 was renamed Example_province_region and Example3 was renamed Example_Country.