This commonJS module is ready to use in NodeJS projects that wishes to generate citations from a native record
Requires citeproc_commonjs as a dependency
The citation tool needs both a locale configuration and a style configuration; The code snippet will attempt to get these configurations locally before making http calls to retrieve this info.
The configurations are available at styles and locales
Usage would look like:
const { cite } = require('./citation');
let citation = await cite(records, style, locale)
If the records are in CLS JSON format, then the library can used as is. If the records are not, the user must fill in their own conversion function in the generateClsFromRecord section.
This project is a fully functioning nodejs example. Simply run node index.js and then run
curl --location 'localhost:3000' --header 'Accept: style=apa;locale=es-ES'
Credit goes to This snippet simply packages the demo code and adds a few more capabilities