For older Dexter 1, see the Main files
Main website:
See the folders above for source documents on each part of Dexter, or browse the Wiki to learn how it works.
Dexter HD:
- Assembly pictures and videos and build notes
- BOM (see the "Common" tab)
- STL files and Update Note: The parts printed with continuous carbon fiber re-enforcement, e.g. printed on the Mark 2 rather than the Onyx One, have "CF" in their name)
- Dexter HD Kinematic Model - Barebones Fusion 360 Model of Dexter HD. Can be exported as: Fusion 360 Archive, Inventor 2019, IGES, SAT, SMT, STEP, DWG, DXF, STL, FBX, SketchUp, OBJ.
- Tool Interface - Fusion 360 model of tool interface that is compatible with Dexter 1, HD, and HDI. You can download files in multiple formats.
Dexter HDI:
- Assembly, BOM, STL files not yet released
- kinematic model/skin for simulation or printing skins for your unskinned HDI.
See also:
- Unity visualization and control: