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Performant pythonic wrapper of unnecessarily painful opencv functionality


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Version: 1.2.2
Author: ES Alexander
Release Date: 26/May/2021


OpenCV is a fantastic tool for computer vision, with significant Python support through automatically generated bindings. Unfortunately some basic functionality is frustrating to use, and documentation is sparse and fragmented as to how best to approach even simple tasks such as efficiently processing a webcam feed.

This library aims to address frustrations in the OpenCV Python api that can be fixed using pythonic constructs and methodologies. Solutions are not guaranteed to be optimal, but every effort has been made to make the code as performant as possible while ensuring ease of use and helpful errors/documentation.


This library requires an existing version of OpenCV with Python bindings to be installed (e.g. python3 -m pip install opencv-python). Some features (mainly property access helpers) may not work for versions of OpenCV earlier than 4.2.0. The library was tested using Python 3.8.5, and is expected to work down to at least Python 3.4 (although the integrated advanced features example uses matmul (@) for some processing, which was introduced in Python 3.5).

Numpy is also used throughout, so a recent version is suggested (tested with 1.19.0). mss is used for cross-platform screen-capturing functionality (requires >= 3.0.0)


The library can be installed from pip, with python3 -m pip install pythonic-cv.


New functionality is provided in the pcv module, as described below. All other opencv functionality should be accessed through the standard cv2 import.

Main Functionality

The main implemented functionality is handling video through a context manager, while also enabling iteration over the input stream. While iterating, key-bindings have been set up for play/pause (SPACE) and stopping playback (q). A dictionary of pause_effects can be passed in to add additional key-bindings while paused without needing to create a subclass. In addition, video playback can be sped up with w, slowed down with s, and if enabled allows rewinding with a and returning to forwards playback with d. Forwards playback at 1x speed can be restored with r. While paused, video can be stepped backwards and forwards using a and d. All default key-bindings can be overwritten using the play_commands and pause_effects dictionaries and the quit and play_pause variables on initialisation.

Video I/O Details

For reading and writing video files, the VideoReader and VideoWriter classes should be used. For streaming, the classes Camera, SlowCamera, and LockedCamera are provided. The simplest of these is SlowCamera, which has slow iteration because image grabbing is performed synchronously, with a blocking call while reading each frame. Camera extends SlowCamera with additional logic to perform repeated grabbing in a separate thread, so processing and image grabbing can occur concurrently. LockedCamera sits between the two, providing thread based I/O but with more control over when each image is taken. Analogues for all three camera classes are provided in the pcv.screen module - SlowScreen, Screen, and LockedScreen. The interface is the same as that for the corresponding camera class, except that a monitor index (-1 for all) or screen region is passed in instead of a camera id.

Camera is most useful for applications with processing speeds that require the most up to date information possible and don't want to waste time decoding frames that are grabbed too early to be processed (frame grabbing occurs in a separate thread, and only the latest frame is retrieved (decoded) on read). SlowCamera should only be used where power consumption or overall CPU usage are more important than fast processing, or in hardware that is only capable of single-thread execution, in which case the separate image-grabbing thread will only serve to slow things down.

LockedCamera is intended to work asynchronously like Camera, but with more control. It allows the user to specify when the next image should be taken, which leads to less wasted CPU and power usage on grabbing frames that aren't used, but with time for the image to be grabbed and decoded before the next iteration needs to start. The locking protocol adds a small amount of additional syntax, and starting the image grabbing process too late in an iteration can result in waits similar to those in SlowCamera, while starting the process too early can result in images being somewhat out of date. Tuning can be done using the 'preprocess' and 'process' keyword arguments, with an in-depth usage example provided in When used correctly LockedCamera has the fastest iteration times, or if delays are used to slow down the process it can have CPU and power usage similar to that of SlowCamera.

If using a video file to simulate a live camera stream, use SlowCamera or LockedCamera - Camera will skip frames.

There is also a GuaranteedVideoWriter class which guarantees the output framerate by repeating frames when given input too slowly, and skipping frames when input is too fast.


Overview of classes diagram


Basic Camera Stream

from pcv.vidIO import Camera
from pcv.process import channel_options, downsize

# start streaming camera 0 (generally laptop webcam/primary camera), and destroy 'frame'
#   window (default streaming window) when finished.
# Auto-initialised to have 1ms waitKey between iterations, breaking on 'q' key-press,
#   and play/pause using the spacebar.
with Camera(0) as cam:

# stream camera 0 on window 'channels', downsized and showing all available channels.
with LockedCamera(0, display='channels', 
                  process=lambda img: channel_options(downsize(img, 4))) as cam:

Stream and Record

from pcv.vidIO import Camera

with Camera(0) as cam:
    print("press 'q' to quit and stop recording.")

Screen Functionality

Main Monitor

import cv2
from pcv.screen import LockedScreen

# stream monitor 0, and record to 'screen-record.mp4' file.
with LockedScreen(0, process=lambda img: \
                  cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR) as screen:
    # video-recording requires 3-channel (BGR) or single-channel
    #  (greyscale, isColor=False) to work

Screen Region

from pcv.Screen import Screen

with Screen({'left': -10, 'top': 50, 'width': 100, 'height': 200}) as screen:


from pcv.vidIO import VideoReader
from pcv.process import downsize

# just play (simple)
# Press 'b' to jump playback back to the beginning (only works if pressed
#   before playback is finished)
with VideoReader('my_vid.mp4') as vid:
# start 15 seconds in, end at 1:32, downsize the video by a factor of 4
with VideoReader('my_vid.mp4', start='15', end='1:32', 
                 preprocess=lambda img: downsize(img, 4)) as vid:
# enable rewinding and super fast playback
# Press 'a' to rewind, 'd' to go forwards, 'w' to speed up, 's' to slow down
#    and 'r' to reset to forwards at 1x speed.
with VideoReader('my_vid.mp4', skip_frames=0) as vid:
# headless mode (no display), operating on every 10th frame
with VideoReader('my_vid.mp4', auto_delay=False, skip_frames=10,
                 process=my_processing_func) as vid:

Mouse Events

# Example courtesy of @MatusGasparik in Issue#15
import cv2
from pcv.vidIO import VideoReader
from pcv.interact import MouseCallback

def on_mouse_click(event, x, y, flags, params=None):
    if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
        print('Click', x, y)

# create a window beforehand so a mouse callback can be assigned [REQUIRED]
window = 'foo'
with VideoReader('my_vid.mp4', display=window) as vid:, on_mouse_click))

Advanced Examples

Check the pcv/examples folder for some examples of full programs using this library.

Something Fishy

This example is a relatively basic augmented reality example, which creates a tank of fish that swim around on top of a video/webbcam feed. You can catch the fish (click and drag a 'net' over them with your mouse), or tickle them (move around in your webcam feed). There are several generally useful processing techniques included, so take a look through the code and find the functionality that's most interesting to you to explore and modify.

To run the example use python3 -m pcv.examples.something_fishy, or optionally specify the path to a newline separated text file of names (of your friends and family for example), and run with python3 -m pcv.examples.something_fishy path/to/names.txt.

Video Switcher

This was made in response to a question from u/guillerubio on reddit, to show how to efficiently read multiple videos simultaneously while only displaying one, and switching between videos based on what's happening in a webcam feed.

The current video is switched out when the camera is covered/uncovered. Switching is performed intelligently by only actually reading frames from a single 'active' video at a time. The VideoSwitcher class allows tracking along all the videos simultaneously based on how many frames have occurred since they were last active, as well as just resuming from where each one left off when it was last active. When a video ends it gets started again (in an infinite loop).

To run the example use python3 -m pcv.examples.cam_video_switch while in a directory with the .mp4 files you want to switch between.

Hand Writer

This uses Google's mediapipe library for hand detection, to show a relatively simple AR workflow, where a pointed right hand index finger can be used to write/draw on a camera feed. Once you've installed the library (python3 -m pip install mediapipe), run with python3 -m pcv.examples.hand_write and start drawing.

The pointing detection algorithm is quite rudimentary, so may require some angling of your hand before it detects that the pointer finger is straight and the other fingers are closed. It currently intentionally only detects right hands, so your left hand can also be in the frame without causing issues. The side detection assumes a front-facing (selfie) camera, as is commonly the case with webcams and similar.

Contributors πŸ’œ

  • MatusGasparik


Performant pythonic wrapper of unnecessarily painful opencv functionality







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