This service is a helper service for the ESDL mapeditor and gives boundary information for provinces, municipalities, neighbourhoods, and so on.
If you've updated this code, recreated your docker container image, change the docker-compose yaml file from
the docker-toolsuite project to link to the local container image and start the stack using docker-compose up -d
docker build -t boundary-service:latest .
The BaseInfrastructure docker-compose file loads all shapefiles into the postgres database. However, if you want to use other shapefiles, you'll find example commands below to update your boundary information.
shp2pgsql -s 4326 prov_obv_gem_2018_land_wgs.shp public.prov_2018_wgs | psql -h localhost -d boundaries -U postgres
shp2pgsql -s 4326 buurt_2018_wgs.shp public.buurt_2018_wgs | psql -h localhost -d boundaries -U postgres