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Development Installation

Ryan Hodges edited this page Sep 19, 2024 · 25 revisions

Development Installation:


    1. this doc will assume Unix formatted addresses:
      1. if running Windows, you will use \ instead of /
    2. Put this somewhere where your user has full privileges, like one of the following examples:
      1. Linux: /home/YOUR_USER_NAME/projects
      2. Max: /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/projects
      3. Windows would looks something like C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\projects
  2. Install Git

  3. Clone repository into your DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORY

    git clone
  4. Install Vagrant

  5. Deploy base box with Vagrant

    vagrant up
    1. Wait while your new VM installs all of the required dependencies
    2. if you see an error like:
          default: cannot touch '/home/ubuntu/.bash_aliases'
          default: : Permission denied
          default: /vagrant/scripts/ line 43: /home/ubuntu/.bash_aliases: Permission denied
      The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what went wrong.
      1. this likely means your vagrant VM is using 'vagrant' for the default user, but all of the code assumes 'ubuntu' as the default user. Fix this by:
        1. vagrant halt
        2. vagrant destroy
        3. Comment out the line in Vagrantfile that reads: config.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
          • vagrant assumes a user of 'vagrant' - the box assigns all passwords and public keys to this user, so we need to log in with this user, create the 'ubuntu' user that we need to finish up, and re-provision from there.
        4. vagrant up
        5. vagrant ssh
        6. sudo cp /home/vagrant/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/ubuntu/.ssh/
        7. exit
        8. Then edit Vagrantfile to include: config.ssh.username = "ubuntu"
        9. vagrant halt
        10. vagrant up --provision
  6. Log in to your new VM and run updates

    vagrant ssh
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
  7. Grant Write Access to Apps Directory

    sudo chown vagrant:vagrant /usr/local/apps
  8. Update Local Settings

    1. Copy to in one of the two locations below
      2. On Vagrant VM: /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/
    2. Things to change:
      1. DEBUG: add a line that reads DEBUG=True - this is only to be used for development environments, not live servers.
      2. DEBUG: add a line that reads ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ 'localhost', u'', ]
      3.  # SECRET_KEY='fixthisdjango'
         # DATABASES = {
         #     'default': {
         #         'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
         #         'NAME': 'DB Name',
         #         'USER': 'add user',
         #         'PASSWORD': 'add password',
         #         'HOST': 'add host',
         #         'PORT': add number,
         #     }
         # }
         # TIME_ZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles' # To see all Timezone options, see
         # DEBUG = True - this is only to be used for development environments, not live servers. 
  9. SECRET_KEY: change to a long string of gibberish - you never need to type this in, so the longer and more complex the better

  10. DATABASE_GEOGRAPHY: basic geo settings so the maps know where to focus by default in the admin

    1. For example: DATABASE_GEOGRAPHY = { 'default_lon': -124.2, 'default_lat': 41.9, 'default_zoom': 10, 'map_template': 'gis/admin/ol2osm.html', }
    2. NOTES:
      1. LAT/LON: the lon and lat presented here are Coordinates (EPSG:4326) for the Northern CA coast. At the time of this writing, the tool only supports coordinates in Web Mercator (EPSG:3857), so the longitude would actually be -13825880.7546 and the latitude is 5146011.678566459.
      2. ZOOM: The higher the number, the more closely zoomed in the map will be by default.
      3. TEMPLATE: The location of the html template for displaying the map in the admin tool for geometry fields.
  11. Install dependencies

    sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv virtualenv gcc make uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 gdal-bin python3-gdal python3-dev build-essential -y
    sudo apt install postgresql-14 postgresql-contrib postgresql-server-dev-14 postgis postgresql-14-postgis-3 -y
  12. Create Postgres Database

    sudo -u postgres createdb tekdb
  13. Virtual Environment Setup

    cd /usr/local/apps
    sudo apt install python3-virtualenv virtualenv
    virtualenv env --python=python3
  14. Activate your python virtual environment

    source /usr/local/apps/env/bin/activate
  15. Install requirements

    pip3 install -r /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/requirements.txt
  16. Enable External Access to Postgres Enable authentication from remote access

    sudo vim /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

    Find the section of uncommented lines near the bottom. Change for the user postgres to:

    local    all           postgres                 trust

    Restart Postgresql service

    sudo service postgresql restart
  17. Uncomment DATABASE in

     'default': {
         'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
         'NAME': 'tekdb',
         'USER': 'postgres',
         #'PASSWORD': '<PASSWORD>',
         #'HOST': 'localhost',
         #'PORT': 5432,
  18. Run migration

    python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/ migrate
  19. Run static file collection

    python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/ collectstatic
  20. Load in data

    python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/ loaddata /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/TEKDB/fixtures/default_users_fixture.json
    python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/ loaddata /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/TEKDB/fixtures/default_lookups_fixture.json
  21. Test your installation with Django’s Dev Server

    python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/ runserver
    1. Open http://localhost:8000

Optional Steps

  1. DJ Shortcut Many of the commands below assume an activated virtual environment and explicitly call the script. You can save yourself some typing in the future by replaceing these commands with the alias 'dj' for '':
    sudo vim /etc/bash.bashrc
    Then add the following to the bottom of the file:
    alias dj="/usr/local/apps/env/bin/python /usr/local/apps/TEKDB/TEKDB/"
    alias djrun="dj runserver"
    Then refresh your session by dropping out and reconnecting to your server:
    vagrant ssh