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Ocean Health Indicator (OHI) Content Management in Wagtail

David Pollard edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Indicator Page Content Management

How to managing content related to the an OHI indicator Page.

Editing Page Content

  • Title: Edit the title of the page to reflect the content you are adding.
  • Image: Upload or change the image associated with the indicator.
  • Body: Add content related to an indicator. Within the Body you can add Columns and Row Dividers.
    • Column: Use the column feature to organize content in a structured layout. Adjust the width of the columns as needed.
      • Within a Column, you can choose between a WYSIWYG block and a Score block.
        • WYSIWYG – Rich text field for customizable content
          • TODO: more details
        • Score – Use for adding an OHI score to the indicator
          • Provide information on the Kelp indicator for different states on the West Coast. Include the score, state, image, year, and report URL.
    • Row Divider: Use this feature to create a new row for content separation.

Saving and Publishing

  1. Save Draft: Save your progress as a draft before publishing or submitting for approval.

  2. Unpublish/Publish: Choose to publish or unpublish the page based on your editing status.

  3. Submit to Moderators Approval: If required, submit the page for moderator approval before publishing.